Checklist of lichens of Northern Cape (South Africa)
31 December 2018


  1. Heterodermia namaquana Brusse - Brusse (1992: 183), Esslinger & Bratt (1998: 29 Type in Colorado, USA COLO)

  2. Siphula flavovirens Kantvilas, Zedda & Elix - Kantvilas et al. (2003: 22 Type in Pretoria, South Africa PRE)

  3. Trichoramalina melanothrix (Laurer ex Nyl.) Rundel & Bowler - Rundel & Bowler (1974: 194)

  4. Xanthoparmelia bibax (Brusse) Hale - Brusse (1986: 107 as Parmelia bibax)