Evaluated publications containing records of lichens of Estonia
Preliminary version 1 April 2014

  1. Boch, S. & J. Dengler, 2004: Die Trockenrasen der Insel Saaremaa (Estland): Charakterisierung und Phytodiversität (erste Ergebnisse). - Kieler Notizen 32: 3 - 8.

  2. Marmor, L., T. Tõrra, L. Saag & T. Randlane, 2012: Species richness of epiphytic lichens in coniferous forests: the effect of canopy openness. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 49: 352 - 358.

  3. Martin, L. & M. Temina, 1992: Xanthoria sorediata - new species for the Estonian lichen flora. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 29: 37.

  4. Randlane, T. & A. Saag, 1999: Second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 35: 1 - 132.


Not evaluated:


  1. Aptroot, A., P. Czarnota, I. Jüriado, J. Kocourková, M. Kukwa, P. Lohmus, Z. Palice, T. Randlane, L. Saag, E. Sérusiaux, H. Sipman, L. B. Sparrius, A. Suija & H. Thüs, 2005: New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi found during the 5th IAL Symposium in Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 41: 13 - 22.
  2. Aasamaa, H., 1956: Perekondade Cetraria Ach. ja Cornicularia Ach. tunnustest liigil Cornicularia odontella Ach. . - Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures Asuva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat 49: 289 - 294.
  3. Aasamaa, H., 1961: Classification of the genus Cladonia Hill. - Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures Asuva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat 54: 104 - 117.
  4. Aberg, G., 1934: Floristische Beobachtungen bei Baltischport und auf den Inseln Ragoarna (Pakrisaared) in NW-Estland. - Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 10: 222 - 239.

  5. BOCH, S. & J. DENGLER, 2006: Floristische und ökologische Charakterisierung sowie Phytodiversität der Trockenrasen auf der Insel Saaremaa (Estland). - Arb. Inst. Landschaftsökol. Münster 15: 55 - 71.
  6. BOCH, S. & J. DENGLER, 2005: Patterns of plant species richness of dry grasslands on the island of Saaremaa (Estonia). - Verh. Ges. Ökol. 35: 203.
  7. Bruttan, A., 1889: Nachtrag zu den Lichenen Liv-, Esth- und Kurlands. - Sitzgsber. d. Naturforscherges. d. Univ. Dorpat 8: 444 - 448.
  8. Bruttan, A., 1870: Lichenen Est-, Liv- und Kurlands. - Arch. Naturk. Liv.- Est.- und Kurlands ser. II, 7: 163-326.

  9. Czarnota, P/ Kukwa, M 2004: Some sorediate lichens and lichenicolous fungi new to Poland. - Graphis Scripta 15(1/2): 24-32.

  10. Dengler, J., Löbel, S., Boch, S. (2006): Dry grassland communities of shallow, skeletal soils (Sedo-Scleranthenea) in northern Europe. - Tuexenia 26: 159 - 190.

  11. Dietrich, H. A., 1856: Verzeichnis der Flechten Estlands. - Archiv für Naturkunde der Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft 1856: .
  12. Dietrich, H. A., 1862: Blicke in die Cryptogamen-Welt der Ostsee-Provinzen. - Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands\ 1: .

  13. Eichwald, K/ Kalda, A/ Kukk, E/ Masing, V/ Parmasto, E/ Trass, H 1970: Botaanika. Opik Korgematele Koolidele. II. Osa. Sustemaatika. - Kirjastus "Valgus, " Tallin. 767 pp.
  14. Eichwald, K., 1924: Eesti samblikefloora uurimostest. - Loodus 2: 107 - 112.
  15. Ekman, S/ Fröberg, L/ Kärnefelt, I/ Sundin, R/ Thor, G 1991: New or interesting lichens from Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 28: 5-25.

  16. Fischer 1791: Versuch einer Naturgeschichte von Livland. - \. pp.

  17. Golubkova, NS/ Malysheva, NV/ Schmidt, VM 1979: Lichens of Tataria. - Bulletin of Leningrad University, Botany 21: 29-37.
  18. Grindel, D. H., 1803: Botanisches Taschenbuch für Liv-, Kur- und Estland. - \Riga. pp.

  19. Häyrén, E., 1930: Einige Flechtenfunde aus Estland. - Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica\Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 6: 122 - 128.
  20. Häyrén, E., 1937: Die Exkursionen nach Sörve, Vesiloo und Vilsandi. - Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica\Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 12: 173-178.
  21. Häyrén, E., 1937: Einige Exkursionen in der Nähe der Stadt Arensburg. - Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica\Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 12: 167-168.
  22. Häyrén, E., 1937: Strauch- und Blattflechten von der Insel Osel und aus einigen Nachbargegenden. - Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica\Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 12: 185-189.
  23. Halonen, P/ Kukwa, M/ Motiejunaite, J/ Lohmus, P/ Martin, L 2000: Notes on lichens and lichenicolous fungi found during the XIV Symposium of Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists in Järvselja, Estonia [Samblike ja lihhenikoolsete seente leidudest XIV Balti Mükoloogide ja Lihhenoloogide Sümpoosiumil Järvseljal, Eestis]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 36: 17 - 21.
  24. Heugel, C A 1855: Beiträge zur Kryptogamenkunde der russischen Ostsee-Gouvernements. - Correspondenzblatte des Naturforscher-Vereines zu Riga\ 8, 9: .
  25. Heugel, C A 1869: Zur Flechtenkunde der Ostsee-Provinzen Russlands. - Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforschervereins zu Riga\Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Ver. Riga 17: 149-175.

  26. Jüriado, I., 1997: Epilithic species of the lichen genera Lecanora, Protoparmelia and Tephromela in Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 31: 26 - 29.
  27. Jüriado, I., 1998: A revision of the Lecanora subfusca group in Estonia [Ülevaade Lecanora subfusca rühmast Eestis]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 15-20.
  28. Jüriado, I., Lohmus, P/ Saag, L 2000: Supplement to the second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia [Täidendused Eesti samblike, lihhenikoolsete ja samblikele süstemaatiliselt lähedaste seeneliikide teisele nimekirjale]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 37: 21-26.
  29. Jüriado, I/ Randlane, T/ Saag, L 2002: New Estonian records - Lichens. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 39: 62-63. Jüriado, I/ Paal, J/ Liira, J 2003: Epiphytic and epixylic lichen species diversity in Estonian natural forests. - Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1587-1607.
  30. Kärnefelt, I 1989: So close but yet so different - a brief report from an excursion in Estonia. - Graphis Scripta 2(4): 172-174.
  31. Kask, M" (ed.) 1959: Botanical Research in the Estonian S.S.R.. - Acad. Sci. Estonian S.S.R., Inst. Zool. & Bot., Tartu State Univ., Chair of Systematic Bot. and Geobot.. 52 pp.
  32. Kondratjuk, S/ Randlane, T 1991: Aspicilia excavata in the U.S.S.R. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 28: 31-32.
  33. Kukwa, M 2001: New and noteworthy lichenized and lichenicolous fungi to Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 25-26.
  34. Laasimer, L" (ed.) 1981: Anthropogeneous Changes in the Plant Cover of Estonia. - Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R., Institute of Zoology and Botany, Tartu. 163 pp.
  35. Liiv, S 1984: Epiphytic lichens as indicators of air pollution in Valga. - In: Martin, J/Nilson, E/Piin, T/Poom, K/Tamm, K (eds.): Flora and Groupings of Lower Plants in Natural and Anthropogenous Extreme Environment Conditions. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 187-202.
  36. Liiv, S/ Sander, E 1998: Bioindication of air quality by lichens in a small town Viljandi in southern Estonia [Ohu seisundi lihhenoindikatsiooniline hindamine Viljandis]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 37-42.
  37. Liiv, S/ Sander, E 1998: Distribution of epiphytic lichens indicating air pollution in Estonia [Die Verbreitung epiphytischer Flechten, Indikatoren der Luftverunreinigung in Estland]. - Sauteria 9: 289-295.
  38. Lippmaa, H 1937: Eesti poosas- ja lehtsamblikke. - Eesti Loodus\ 5: 192-196.
  39. Lippmaa, T 1935: Une analyse des forêts de l'île estonienne d'Abruka (Abro) sur la base des associations unistrates. - Acta Inst. Horti Bot. Univ. Tartuens. 4: 1-97.
  40. Lohmus, P 1998: List of Estonian calicioid lichens and fungi [Eesti kalitsioidsete samblike ja seente nimestik]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 43-46.
  41. Lohmus, P 2000: Snags and their lichens in old peatland forests. - In: : The Fourth IAL Symposium, Progress and Problems in Lichenology at the Turn of the Millennium. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 55.
  42. Lohmus, P/ Lohmus, A 2001: Snags, and their lichen flora in old Estonian peatland forests. - Annales Botanici Fennici 38: 265-280.
  43. Lucas, L C 1860: Verzeichniss der Flechten Estlands. - Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforschervereins zu Riga\Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Ver. Riga 1860: .
  44. Martin, J., 1967: Lihhenomeetria--kronoloogiline meetod. [Lichenometry--a chorological method.]. - In: : VIII Eesti Looduseuurijate Paeva, Ettekannete Teesid. Eesti NSW Teaduste Akadeemia, Tartu, pp. 26-27.
  45. Martin, J., 1981: Lichen indication studies in the Estonian S. S. R. - In: L. Laasimer (ed.): Anthropogeneous Changes in the Plant Cover of Estonia. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R., Institute of Zoology and Botany, Tartu, pp. 108-125.
  46. Martin, J., 1984: Licheno-indicational mapping of air pollution. - In: Martin, J/Nilson, E/Piin, T/Poom, K (eds.): International School on Lichen Indication. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 15-34.
  47. Martin, J., 1984: Problem of extremity in ecology of cryptogamic plants. - In: Martin, J/Nilson, E/Piin, T/Poom, K/Tamm, K (eds.): Flora and Groupings of Lower Plants in Natural and Anthropogenous Extreme Environment Conditons. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 9-19.
  48. Martin, J., E. Nilson, E/ Piin, T/ Martin, J. & H. Trass, 1967: Samblike mikrosuktsessioonidest erinevatel substraatidel. [On the microsuccession of lichens on different substrates.]. - In: : VIII Eesti Looduseuurijate Paeva, Ettekannete Teesid. Eesti NSW Teaduste Akadeemia, Tartu, pp. 27-29.
  49. Martin, L. & J. Martin, 1998: Epiphytic macrolichens in Estonian forests [Epifüütsed suursamblikud Eesti metsades]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 47 - 55.
  50. Martin, L., M. Nifontova & J. Martin, 1991: Radionuclides variation in macrolichens in Estonia after the Chernobyl accident. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Ecology 1991, 1: 42 - 51.
  51. Martin, L., T. Randlane & J. Martin, 2000: Lichens of Vormsi Island [Vormsi saare samblikud]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 36: 65-81.
  52. Martin, L/ Temina, M/ Martin, J 1999: Supplement to the list of lichen species of Naissaar Island (Gulf of Finland, Estonia). - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 34: 43-45.
  53. Mereschkowsky, C 1909: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flechten aus den Umgebungen von Reval. - Kasan. 37 pp.
  54. Mereschkowsky, C., 1913: Enumeratio lichenum in provincia baltica hucusque cognitorum. - \Kasan. 62 pp.
  55. Mereschkowsky, C., 1913: Nachtrag zur Flechtenliste aus der Umgebung Revals. - \Ucen. Zap. Kazansk. Univ., Kazan 1913: 73 pp.
  56. Mereschkowsky, C., 1914: Enumeratio lichenum in provincia baltica hucusque cognitorum. - \Ucen. sapiski imperator. Kasansk. Universit. 80: 1-48.
  57. Mereschkowsky, C., 1919: Contribution à la flore lichénologique des environs de Kazan. - Hedwigia\ 61: 183-241.
  58. Mereschkowsky, K. S., 1919: Contribution à la flore lichénologique des environs de Kazan. - Hedwigia\ 61: 183-241.
  59. Mereschkowsky, K. S., 1920: K poznaniyu lishainikov okrestnotei Kazani. - \Trudy bot. Muz. Ross Akad. 18: 93-142.
  60. Miniaev, N. A., 1940: Reliktovyec elementi b sobremeameii flore lishainikov vestochnoi Pribaltiki (Reliktelemente in der heutigen baltischen Flechtenflora). - \J bot. URSS 25: 415-437.
  61. Parinkina, OM/ Pereverzev, VN/ Piyn, TK 1995: Features of the decomposition of soil surface lichens in the mountain tundra and northern and southern taiga. - Eurasian Soil Science 27(3): 70-81.
  62. Randlane, T. & A. Saag, 2000: Biogeographical survey of Estonian lichen flora, with reference to conservation strategies. - Forest, Snow and Landscape Research 75, 3: 381 - 390.
  63. Randlane, T/ Trass, H 1991: Kel silma samblike jaoks. 6. Lakmusliigid [Indicator species in the lichen genus Xanthoria (part 6)]. - Eesti Loodus 1991(No. 4): 220-223.
  64. Saag, A. & T. Randlane, 2000: Lichenological collections and relevant databases in the University of Tartu (Estonia). - In: : The Fourth IAL Symposium, Progress and Problems in Lichenology at the Turn of the Millennium. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 119.
  65. Saag, A/ Randlane, T 2002: Lichenological collections and relevant databases in the University of Tartu. - In: Llimona, X/Lumbsch, HT/Ott, S (eds.): Progress and Problems in Lichenology at the Turn of the Millenium. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, pp. 285-290.
  66. Saag, A/ Randlane, T/ Suija, A 1998: Lichenological collections in TU [Lihhenoloogilised kollektsioonid Tartu Ülikoolis]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 81 - 84.
  67. Saag, L/ Saag, A 1999: The genus Lepraria (Lichenes imperfecti) in Estonia [Löövesamblikud Eestis (teissamblikud)]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 34: 55-63.
  68. Sarv, M., 1997: The species of the genus Rinodina (Physciaceae, Lecanorales) in Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 31: 30 - 35.
  69. Savicz, V. P., 1909: Über die Flechtenvegetation des südwestlichen Teiles des gouvernement Petersburg und dem angrenzenden Teile Estlands. - Travaux Soc. Imp. Naturalistes St. Petersb. 40, bot., fasc. 2: 113-172.
  70. Simermaa, A. L., 1971: Analysis of the epiphytic lichen vegetation in the main forest types of Estonia. - Materials of the 6th Symposium of the Baltic Repulbics on Mycology and Lichenology, Peter Stuchka Latvian State Univ., Biol. Fac., Riga 1971(1): 62-65.
  71. Suija, A. & I. Jüriado, 2002: Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Hiiumaa Islets Landscape Reserve (Estonia) [Hiiumaa laidude maastikukaitseala samblikud ja lihhenikoolsed seened]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 39: 37-50.
  72. SUIJA, A., M. NÕMM & S. Boch, 2005: New Estonian Records - Lichens and lichenicolous fungi. - Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 41: 135 - 136.
  73. Suija, A/ Lohmus, P/ Nilson, E/ Saag, L 2001: New Estonia records. Lichens and lichenicolous fungi. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 85-86.
  74. Tallin Botanical Garden, Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R., 1978: Lichen Indication of the Environmental Conditions. - Abstracts of the All Union Conference. Oct. 3-5, 1978. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tallin Botanical Garden, Tallin. 197 pp.
  75. Tartu Riiklik Ulikool 1966: Valibotaanika, Botaanika Oppepraktika Materjale. - Tartu Riiklik Ulikool, Tartu. 192 pp.
  76. Temina, M., 1992: Dynamics of the floristic composition of epilithic lichen groupings in Maardu phosphorite quarries, northern Estonia. - Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Ökoloogia 2(2): 68-75.
  77. Temina, M., 1993: The lichen species Endocarpon psorodeum (Nyl.) Blomb. & Forss. in northern Estonia. - Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Bioloogia 42(4): 274-277.
  78. Temina, M., 1994: Dynamics of the phytocoenotic role of Arthonia lapidicola (Taylor) Branth & Rostr. in epilithic lichen groupings in Maardu phosphorite quarries, north Estonia. - Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Bioloogia 43(4): 221-228.
  79. Temina, M., 1995: Lecania cuprea (A. Massal.) v. d. Boom & Coppins in v. d. Boom and Staurothele frustulenta Vain. - two new species in the Estonian lichen flora [Lecania cuprea (A. Massal.) v. d. Boom & Coppins in v. d. Boom ja Staurothele frustulenta Vain. - kaks uut liiki Eesti lihhenoflooras]. - Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Bioloogia 44(3/4): 106 - 108.
  80. Temina, M., 1998: Growth of lichens on limestone outcrops in northern Estonia [Das Wachstum von Flechten auf Kalkaufschlüssen in Nordestland]. - Sauteria 9: 173 - 179.
  81. Thell, A., 2000: Report from the 15th symposium of Baltic mycolgists [sic] and lichenologists in Järvselja, eastern Estonia, 3-8 September 1999. - Graphis Scripta 11, 2: 40 - 48.
  82. Thor, G/ Nordin, A 1998: 16 lichens new to Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 123-125.
  83. Trass, H 1957: Eesti NSV lihhenofloora haruldaste ja huviavate liikide levik I. Distribution of the rare and interesting species of Estonian S.S.R. lichen-flora I.]. - Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat (Loodusurrijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures) [Tallin] 50: 191-202.
  84. Trass, H 1958: Antibiootilistest ainetest samblikes ja Eesti lihhenofloora uurimise ulesannetest. [Uber antibiotische Wirkstoffe der Flechten und uber Aufgaben der lichenofloristischen Forschung in der estnischen SSR.]. - Tartu Riikliku Ulikooli Toimetised (Bot.-Alased. Tood I) 64: 186-197.
  85. Trass, H 1958: Cladonia acuminata (Ach.) Norrl. ja Cl. foliata (Arn.) Vain. Eesti NSV-s. [C. a. and C. f. in the Estonian S.S.R.]. - Floristilised Markmed (Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures) [Tartu] 1(2): 70-75.
  86. Trass, H 1958: Eesti NSV kladooniate (podrasamblike) maaraja. [Bestmmungstabellen der Cladonien estnischer SSR.]. - Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures, Abiks Loodusevaatlejale No. 39. 116 pp.
  87. Trass, H 1958: Eesti NSV lihhenofloora haruldaste ja huvitavate liikide levik II. [Distribution of rare and interesting species of Estonia S.S.R. lichen-floraII.]. - Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures Asuva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat 51: 189-198.
  88. Trass, H 1958: Kolmest Parmelia-liigist Eestis. [On three species of the genus Parmelia in Estonia.]. - Floristilised Markmed (Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures) [Tartu] 1(1): 25-27.
  89. Trass, H 1958: Neli uut samblikuliiki Eesti NSV-s. [Four new species of lichens in teh Estonian S.S.R.]. - Floristilised Markmed (Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures) [Tartu] 1(1): 32.
  90. Trass, H 1958: Perekonna Parmelia liikide uusi leiukohti Eestis. [The discovery of some species of the genus Parmelia in Estonia.]. - Floristilised Markmed (Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures) [Tartu] 1(1): 28-31.
  91. Trass, H 1959: Samblikest ja nende levikust. [Lichens and their distribution.]. - Eesti Loodus [Acad. sci. Estonian SSR] 1959(6): 346-353.
  92. Trass, H 1961: Moned uued liigid Eesti lihhenoflooras. [SOme new species in the lichen-flora of Estonia.]. - Floristilised Markmed, Loodusuurijate selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad. Juures [Tartu] 1(3): 146-150.
  93. Trass, H 1962: Present state of research into the lichen flora of the Estonian S.S.R.; a short characterization of its composition and the tasks facing future research in this field. - Scripta Bot. [Tartu] 2: 56-75.
  94. Trass, H 1962: Present state of research into the lichen-flora of the Estonian S.S.R., a short characterization of its composition and the tasks facing future research in the field. - Botaanilised Uurimused, Scripta Bot. [Tartu] 2: 56-75.
  95. Trass, H 1963: Hall lapiksamblik. - Eesti Loodus 1963(2): 116.
  96. Trass, H 1963: Tundrataim Vormsil. [A tundra plant on Vormsi Island.]. - Eesti Loodus 1963(2): 113-115.
  97. Trass, H 1965: Lichens on the alvars of Estonia. - In: : Problems in Mycology and Lichenology. Akademiia Nauk Estonskoi SSR, Tartu, pp. 199-202.
  98. Trass, H 1966: Lichenological research work in Estonia during the last five years (1959-1963). - Zinatniskie Raksti, Botanika, 2. Laidiens [Scientific Works, Botany, Ser. 2. P. Stucka Latvian State University: "Zvaigzne" Publishing House, Riga] 74: 118-121.
  99. Trass, H 1967: Saaremaa lihhenofloora omapara. [Peculiarities of the lichen flora of Saaremaa Island.]. - In: : VIII Eesti Looduseuurijate Paeva, Ettekannete Teesid. Eesti NSW Teaduste Akadeemia, Tartu, pp. 32-34.
  100. Trass, H 1967: Uusi andmeid Eesti lihhenofloora koosseisust. [New data about the lichen flora of Estonia.]. - In: : VIII Eesti Looduseuurijate Paeva, Ettekannete Teesid. Eesti NSW Teaduste Akadeemia, Tartu, pp. 30.
  101. Trass, H 1968: Indeks samblikuruhmituste kasutamiseks ohu saastatuse maaramisel. [An index for the utilization of lichen groups to determine air pollution.]. - Eesti Loodus 11: 628.
  102. Trass, H 1968: Sambilkud--ohu saastatuse indikaatorid. [Lichens--indicators of air pollution.]. - Eesti Loodus 1968: 80-83.
  103. Trass, H 1969: Floristical and phytogeographical study of the Estonian lichen-flora. - In: L. Laasimer (ed.): Plant Taxonomy, Geography, and Ecology in the Estonian S.S.R.. Publishing House "Valgus, " Tallin. 112 pp, pp. 38-48.
  104. Trass, H 1970: The elements and development of the lichen-flora of Estonia. - Papers on Bot., Trans. Tartu State Univ. 9: 5-233.
  105. Trass, H 1973: Genus Xanthoria in the lichen-flora of Estonia. - Floristilised Markmed [Tallinn] 1: 284-288.
  106. Trass, H 1974: Umbilicaria decussata in Estonia. - Folia Cryptogam. Estonica [Tartu] 4: 28-30.
  107. Trass, H 1981: Composition and anthropogeneous changes of the lichen flora and vegetation in Estonia. - In: L. Laasimer (ed.): Anthropogeneous Changes in the Plant Cover of Estonia. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S. S. R., Tartu, pp. 135-153.
  108. Trass, H 1984: Lichens in the Red Data Book. - Eesti Loodus 1984(5): 299-302.
  109. Trass, H 1986: Sphaerophorus globosus in the lichen-flora of Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 21: 11.
  110. Trass, H 1987: Cladonia maxima (Asah.) Ahti in Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 25: 12-15.
  111. Trass, H 1988: Cryptoindication of the level of atmospheric air pollution and ecological monitoring. - Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis 812: 25-31.
  112. Trass, H 1990: Mapping of threatened lichens in USSR and general considerations on a European project. - Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Ser. A Nr. 456: 35-39.
  113. Trass, H 1994: Corrections and additions to the flora of the lichen genus Cladonia in Estonia. - Acta Botanica Fennica 150: 201-208.
  114. Trass, H 1994: Liigirohke elustik on Eestimaa rikkus [Biodiversity of the Estonian flora and fauna constitutes the wealth of our country]. - Eesti Loodus 1994: 34-36&64.
  115. Trass, H 1998: Erasmus Mycophilus. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 33: 5-7.
  116. Trass, H 1998: Lichen mapping in Europe: an experience with two species [Flechtenkartierung in Europa: Eine Erfahrung mit zwei Arten]. - Sauteria 9: 181-219.
  117. Trass, H/ Randlane, T (eds.) 1994: Eesti Suursamblikud [Macrolichens of Estonia]. - Tartu. 399 pp.
  118. Trass, H. & T. Randlane, 1987: Extinct macrolichens of Estonia. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 25: 1 - 7.
  119. Trass, H. & T. Randlane, 1989: Lichen conservation in Estonia. - In: : Tenth Congress of European Mycologists, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, August 1989, Abstracts. Tallinn, pp. 122.
  120. Trass, H/ Randlane, T 1991: The Swedish lichenologists and the Estonian flora. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 28: 1-4.
  121. Trass, H/ Vellak, K/ Ingerpuu, N 1999: Floristical and ecological properties for identifying of primeval forests in Estonia. - Annales Botanici Fennici 36: 67-80.
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