Evaluated publications containing records of lichens of Montenegro
Preliminary version 1 January 2017


  1. Bilovitz, P. O., B. Knezevic, D. Stesevic, O. Vitikainen, S. Dragicevic & H. Mayrhofer, 2008: New or otherwise interesting lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Montenegro. - Fritschiana (Graz) 62: 1 - 44.

  2. Knezevic, B. & H. Mayrhofer, 2009: Catalogue of the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Montenegro. - Phyton (Horn, Austria) 48, 2: 283 - 328.

  3. Poelt, J. & C. Leuckert, 1976: Lecanora (Plac.) sphalera spec. nov. (Lichenes, Lecanoraceae) und die Frage, die sie stellt. - Herzogia 4: 25 - 31.


Not evaluated:


  1. Bilovitz, P. O., B. Knezevic, D. Stesevic & H. Mayrhofer, 2008: Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Bjelasica (Montenegro) with special emphasis on the Biogradska gora National Park. - Bibliotheca Lichenologica 99: 69 - 81.

  2. Casanova-Katny, A., G. Palfner G. A. Torres-Mellado & L. A. Cavieres, 2014: Do Antarctic lichens modify microclimate and facilitate vascular plants in the maritime Antarctic? A comment to Molina-Montenegro et al.(2014). - Journal of Vegetation Science 25, 2: 601-605.

  3. Farkas, E. 2014: Notes and schedae to Lichenes Delicati Exsiccati Editae. in memoriam Antonín Vezda (1920-2008), Fasc. 4. - Acta Botanica Hungarica 56, 3-4: 305-317.

  4. Jovanovic, S., F. Carrot, C. Deschamps, N. Deschamps & P. Vukotic, 1995: A study of the air pollution in the surroundings of an aluminium smelter, using epiphtic and lithophytic lichens. - Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques 13(4): 463-471.

  5. Kusan, F., 1933: Die Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation des nordwestlichen Gebirgszuges von Crna Gora (Montenegro). - Bull. Intern. Acad. Yougoslave Zagreb, Cl. Sc. math. et nat. 27: 143 - 174.
  6. Kusan, F., 1933: Flora i vegetacija lisaja sjeverozapadnih crnogorskih planina (Flora und Flechtenvegetation von den nordwestlichen Gebirgen in Montenegro). - Prirodosl. istraziv kral. jugoslav. 18: 68 - 124.

  7. Lisická, E., A. Lackovicová, J. Liška, L. Lokös and J. Lisický, 2008: Physcia aipolioides — ein Beispiel einer invasiven Flechte oder einer unterschätzen Verbreitung? Physcia aipolioides — an example of an invasive lichen or an underestimated distribution?. - Sauteria 15: 303-318.
  8. Loppi, S., F. Roccobono, Z. H. Zhang, S. Savic, D. Ivanov & S. A. Pirintsos, 2003: Lichens as biomonitors of uranium in the Balkan area. - Environmental Pollution 125(2): 277 - 280.

  9. Molina-Montenegro, M. A., C. Torres-Díaz & E. Gianoli, 2014: Antarctic macrolichen modifies microclimate and facilitates vascular plants in the maritime Antarctica. - Journal of Vegetation Science 25, 2: 606-608.

  10. Siegel, B. Z. & S. M. Siegel, 1976: Unusual mercury accumulation in lichen flora of Montenegro. - Waater, Air Soil Pollut. 5: 335 - 337.
  11. Strasser, E.A., J. Hafellner, D. Steševic, F. Geci & H. Mayrhofer, 2015: Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from the Albanian Alps (Kosovo, Montenegro). - Herzogia 28, 2: 520-544.
  12. Szatala, O., 1925: Lichenes lecti a + dr.e Pappafava in Dalmatia et in Montenegro. - Magyar Botanikai Lapok 24: 86-87.

  13. Zahlbruckner, A., 1888: Die Flechten. - Pp. 6-14 in: G. Beck & J. Szyszlowicz: Plantae a Dr. Ign. Szyszlowicz in itinere per Cernagoram et in Albania adjacente anno 1886 lectae. - Cracoviae. pp. Search criteria (word match - sorted on author): Data set(s): RLL + Mattick + Supplement + Work File Text string in title, keywords, or abstract: Montenegro Period: 2014 - 2017 Number of hits shown/total: 3/3. Number of records in database: 48440. Current date: 2017.04.05.OK -->