Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Mainland Yemen

Version 1 November 2005


  1. Acarospora lavicola J. Steiner - Steiner (1907: 95 protologue), Sipman (2002: 130) Note: Type in Vienna, Austria (WU)

  2. Anema decipiens (A. Massal.) Forss. - Brown et al. (2002: 187)

  3. Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr. - Sipman (2002: 130)
  4. Arthonia elegans (Ach.) Almq. - Sipman (2002: 130)

  5. Arthothelium ruanum (A. Massal.) Körb. - Sipman (2002: 130)

  6. Aspicilia circummunita (Nyl.) Flagey - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 130)

  7. Buellia subalbula (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 130)

  8. Caloplaca lobulascens J. Steiner - Steiner (1907: 131 protologue), Sipman (2002: 131) Note: Type in Vienna, Austria (WU)
  9. Caloplaca ochraceofulva (Müll. Arg.) Jatta - Müller Argau (1893: 130 sub Amphiloma ochraceofulvum), Sipman (2002: 131)

  10. Collema coccophorum Tuck. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 131)
  11. Collema cristatum (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. - Schultz (2004: 557)

  12. Cresponea chloroconia (Tuck.) Egea & Torrente - Müller Argau (1893: 131 sub Opegrapha chloroconia), Sipman (2002: 131) Notes: As currently understood, this species is restricted to cool areas of Europe and North America, and is not reported from Yemen in the recent revision of Egea & Torrente (1993)

  13. Dictyographa arabica Müll. Arg. - Müller Argau (1893: 131 protologue), Sipman (2002: 131) Note: Type in Geneva, Switzerland (G)
  14. Dictyographa varians (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg. - Sipman (2002: 131)

  15. Digitothyrea divergens (Henssen) Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 131)

  16. Diploicia canescens (J. Dicks.) A. Massal. - Sipman (2002: 131)
  17. Diploicia subcanescens (Werner) Haf. & Poelt - Sipman (2002: 131)

  18. Diploschistes gypsaceus (Ach.) Zahlbr. - Müller Argau (1893: 131 sub Diploschistes scruposus var. cretaceus), Sipman (2002: 131)
  19. Diploschistes ocellatus (Vill.) Norman - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 131)

  20. Dirina immersa Müll. Arg. - Sipman (2002: 131)
  21. Dirina paradoxa subsp. africana (Fée) Tehler - Sipman (2002: 131)

  22. Endocarpon pusillum Hedw. - Müller Argau (1893: 131), Sipman (2002: 131)

  23. Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale - Müller Argau (1893: 130), Sipman (2002: 132)

  24. Fulgensia bracteata (Hoffm.) Räs. - Müller Argau (1893: 130 sub Placodium fulgens var. bracteatum), Sipman (2002: 132) Note: This species in the current definition is restricted to cool environments, and specimens form Yemen are more likely to belong to the related F. subbracteata (Hoffm.) Räs.
  25. Fulgensia fulgida (Nyl.) Szatala - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  26. Gloeoheppia erosa (J. Steiner) Marton - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  27. Gloeoheppia turgida (Ach.) Gyeln. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  28. Heppia arenacea M. Schultz - Schultz (2005: 227-228 Protologue) Type in Hamburg, Germany (HBG)
  29. Heppia solorinoides (Nyl.) Nyl. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  30. Heterodermia speciosa (Wulf.) Trevis. - Sipman (2002: 132)

  31. Hymenelia prevostii (Duby) Kremp. – Schultz (2004: 557)

  32. Lecanographa lyncea (Sm.) Egea & Torrente - Müller Argau (1893: 131 sub Opegrapha vestita), Sipman (2002: 132)

  33. Lempholemma botryosum (A. Massal.) Zahlbr. – Schultz (2004: 557)
  34. Lempholemma polycarpum M. Schultz - Schultz (2005: 231-232 Protologue) Type in Hamburg, Germany (HBG)

  35. Lempholemma socotranum M. Schultz - Schultz (2003: 156 Protologue) Type in Berlin, Germany (B)
  36. Lepraria nivalis J.R. Laundon – Schultz (2004: 557)

  37. Lichinella algerica (J. Steiner) P. Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  38. Lichinella iodopulchra (Crozals) P. Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  39. Lichinella mauritanica (O. Lange) P. Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  40. Lichinella sinaica (Galun & Marton) P. Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  41. Lichinella stipatula Nyl. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  42. Opegrapha ochrocheila Nyl. - Sipman (2002: 132)

  43. Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale - Schöning (2005: 18)
  44. Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale - Schöning (2005: 18)

  45. Paulia aldabrensis Henssen - Schultz (2004: 557)
  46. Paulia nitidula (Müll. Arg.) M. Schultz - Müller-Argau (1888: 344 Protologue), Schultz & Büdel (2002: 25) Type in Geneve, Switzerland (G)
  47. Paulia perforata (Pers.) Asahina - Schultz (2004: 557)

  48. Peccania coralloides (A. Massal.) A. Massal. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  49. Peccania fontqueriana P. Moreno & Egea - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  50. Peltula bolanderi (Tuck.) Wetmore - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  51. Peltula impressa (Vain.) Swinscow & Krog - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  52. Peltula obscurans (Nyl.) Gyeln. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  53. Peltula omphaliza (Nyl.) Wetmore - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  54. Peltula patellata (Bagl.) Swinscow & Krog - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)
  55. Peltula radicata Nyl. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  56. Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Moberg - Sipman (2002: 132)

  57. Phloeopeccania pulvinulina J. Steiner - Steiner (1907: 93 Protologue), Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 133) Type in Vienna, Austria (WU)

  58. Physcia nubila Moberg - Sipman (2002: 133)
  59. Physcia tribacia Nyl. - Steiner (1907: 94), Sipman (2002: 133)
  60. Physcia vulcanica J. Steiner - Steiner (1907: 94 Protologue), Sipman (2002: 133) Type in Vienna, Austria (WU)

  61. Placidium semaforonense (Breuss) Breuss - Breuß (1998: 666), Schultz (1998: 294 sub Catapyrenium semaforonense), Sipman (2002: 131 sub Catapyrenium semaforonense)
  62. Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss - Breuß (1998: 667), Schultz (1998: 294 sub Catapyrenium squamulosum), Sipman (2002: 131 sub Catapyrenium squamulosum)

  63. Placynthium nigrum (Huds.) S. Gray - Schultz (2004: 557)

  64. Psora decipiens (Hedw.) Hoffm. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 132)

  65. Psorotichia diffracta (Nyl.) Forss. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 133)
  66. Psorotichia schaereri (A. Massal.) Arnold - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 133)

  67. Pterygiopsis affinis (A. Massal.) Henssen - Brown et al. (2002: 187), Schultz (1998: 294 sub Pyrenopsis picina), Sipman (2002: 133 sub Pyrenopsis picina)
  68. Pterygiopsis pulchra M. Schultz (2004: 556-557 Protologue) Type in Hamburg, Germany (HBG)

  69. Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinscow - Acharius (1810: 602 sub Ramalina fraxinea beta yemensis Ach.) - Sipman (2002: 133) Note: "It is a conspicuous lichen, usually growing associated with other conspicuous lichens such as Parmotrema austrosinensis, P. tinctorum and Ramalina spp. None of these have ever been found in Yemen. This leads to the supposition that the original material may have been sold on a market. Lichens as trade goods in Arabia are reported already by Steiner (1916) from "Markat" (probably sphalm for Muscat)" Sipman (2002: 133)
  70. Ramalina lacera (With.) J. R. Laundon - Müller Argau (1893: 130), Sipman (2002: 133)
  71. Ramalina maciformis (Del.) Nyl. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 133)
  72. Ramalina nervulosa (Müll. Arg.) Abbayes - Müller Argau (1893: 130 sub Ramalina farinacea), Steiner (1907: 93 sub Ramalina farinacea), Sipman (2002: 133)

  73. Rimelia reticulata (Tayl.) Hale & Fletcher - Schöning (2005: 18)

  74. Roccella montagnei Bél. - Müller Argau (1893: 130), Steiner (1907: 96), Sipman (2002: 134)

  75. Schismatomma decolorans (Sm.) Clauz. & Vezda - Sipman (2002: 134)

  76. Sphinctrina tubiformis A. Massal. - Sipman (2002: 134)

  77. Squamarina concrescens (Müll. Arg.) Poelt - Sipman (2002: 134)

  78. Teloschistes arabicus Frödén - Frödén & Kärnefelt (2007: 189)
  79. Teloschistes austroarabicus Sipman - Sipman (2002: 134 Protologue) Type in Berlin, Germany (B)
  80. Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th. Fr. - Müller Argau (1893: 130), Sipman (2002: 134) (sub var. subinermis Müll. Arg.)
  81. Teloschistes flavicans (Sw.) Norm. - Sipman (2002: 134)

  82. Thelopsis paucispora Breuss & M. Schultz - Breuss & Schultz (2007: 36 Protologue) Type in Hamburg, Germany (HBG)

  83. Thelotrema lacteum Kremp. - Sipman (2002: 134)

  84. Toninia albilabra (Dufour) H. Olivier - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 134)
  85. Toninia diffracta (A. Massal.) Zahlbr. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 134)
  86. Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal - Müller Argau (1893: 131 sub Thalloidima caeruleo-nigricans), Sipman (2002: 134)
  87. Toninia tristis (Th. Fr.) Th. Fr. - Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 134)

  88. Verrucaria calciseda DC. – Schultz (2004: 557)
  89. Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. - Müller Argau (1893: 130), Schultz (1998: 294), Sipman (2002: 134)

Cite as: Schultz, M. & Mies, B., 2005: Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Mainland Yemen. Version 1 November 2005. -