Evaluated publications containing records of lichens of Greenland (Denmark)
Preliminary version 1 November 2016

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  1. Alstrup, V., 1976: Two species of Pilophorus new to Greenland. - Lichenologist 8, 1: 96 - 97.
  2. Alstrup, V., 1977: Cryptogams on imported timber in West Greenland. - Lichenologist 9, 2: 113 - 117.
  3. Alstrup, V., 1982: The epiphytic lichens of Greenland. - Bryologist 85, 1: 64 - 73.
  4. Alstrup, V., 1991: Variation in Placidiopsis minor as shown by a specimen from Greenland. - Lichenologist 23,1: 89 - 92.
  5. Alstrup, V. & D. L. Hawksworth, 1990: The lichenicolous fungi of Greenland. - Meddelelser om Grønland 31: 1 - 90.
  6. Alstrup, V., E. S. Hansen & F. Daniels, 2000: Lichenized, lichenicolous and other fungi from NE Greenland. - Folia Cryptog. Estonia 37: 1 - 20.

  7. Daniels, F. J. A. & H. J. Sipman, 1975: Cladonia cenotea (Ach.) Schaer. also found in southeast Greenland. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 24: 481 - 483.
  8. Daniels, F. J. A., E. S. Hansen & H. J. Sipman, 1985: New records of terricolous microlichens from southeast Greenland. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 34,1: 49 - 58.

  9. Hafellner, J., 1999: Beiträge zu einem Prodromus der lichenicolen Pilze Österreichs und angrenzender Gebiete. IV. Drei neue Arten und weitere bemerkenswerte Funde hauptsächlich in der Steiermark. - Linzer Biol. Beitr. 31,1: 507 - 532.
  10. Hafellner, J. & M. Casares-Porcel, 1992: Untersuchungen an den Typusarten der lichenisierten Ascomycetengattungen Acarospora und Biatorella und die daraus entstehenden Konsequenzen. - Nova Hedwigia 55: 309 - 323.
  11. Hansen, E. S., 1978: A comparison between the lichen flora of coastal and inland areas in the Julianehåb District, South Greenland. - Meddelelser om Grønland 204,3: 1 - 31.
  12. Hansen, E. S., 1978b: Notes on occurrence and distribution of lichens in South East Greenland. - Meddelelser om Grønland 204, 4: 1-71.
  13. Hansen, E. S., 1978: Notes on vertical distribution of lichens on three mountains in the Angmagssalik District, South East Greenland. - Botanisk Tidsskrift 73: 55 - 61.
  14. Hansen, E. S., 1981: Cetraria nigricascens and C. tilesii found in Greenland. - Lichenologist 13, 1: 97 - 99.
  15. Hansen, E. S., 1983: Lichens collected by L. Hansson in northwestern Greenland. - Mycotaxon 18: 175 - 180.
  16. Hansen, E. S., 1983: Additions to the lichen flora of Greenland. - Mycotaxon 18, 2: 483 - 494.
  17. Hansen, E. S., 1984: Notes on new revisions of Greenlandic lichens II. - Mycotaxon 21: 299 - 314.
  18. Hansen, E. S., 1986: New or interesting Greenland lichens III. - Mycotaxon 26: 173 - 186.
  19. Hansen, E. S., 1999: Epilithic lichens on iron- and copper-containing crusts at Qeqertarsuaq, Central West Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 10: 7 - 12.
  20. Hansen, E. S., 2002: Lichens from Inglefield Land, NW Greenland. - Willdenowia 32: 105 - 125.
  21. Hansen, E. S., 2002: Lichens from Ammassalik Ø, Southeast Greenland. - Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 39: 3 - 13.
  22. Hansen, E. S., 2003: New or interesting Greenland lichens and lichenicolous fungi V. - Mycotaxon 86: 149 - 155.
  23. Hansen, E. S., 2004: Notes on some new and interesting Greenland lichens VI. - Graphis Scripta 15: 1 - 6.
  24. Hansen, E. S., 2004: An initial study of lichen growth on boulders and rocks near the Mittivakkat Gletscher, South East Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 15: 33 - 38.
  25. Hansen, E. S., 2004: New or interesting Greenland lichens VII. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 25, 1: 83 - 90.
  26. Hansen, E. S., 2005: Lichens from Uummannaq, Qilakitsoq and Qaarsut, Central West Greenland. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 41: 35 - 43.
  27. Hansen, E. S., 2006: Notes on some new and interesting Greenland lichens IX. - Graphis Scripta 18: 1 - 5.
  28. Hansen, E. S., 2008: A contribution to the lichen flora of Johannes V. Jensen Land, northern Peary Land, North Greenland. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 29, 1: 25 - 33.
  29. Hansen, E. S., 2008: A contribution to the lichen flora of the Scoresby Sund area, Central East Greenland. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 29, 3: 293 - 302.
  30. Hansen, E. S., 2008: The lichen flora of Kuhn Ø and Bla[angstrom]baerdalen, easternmost Th. Thomsen Land, North East Greeland. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 29, 4: 397 - 411.
  31. Hansen, E. S. & P. Graff-Petersen, 1986: Lichens growing on the Ella Island meteorite, central East Greenland. - Lichenologist 18: 71 - 78.
  32. Hansen, J. Poelt & U. Søchting,1987: Die Flechtengattung Caloplaca in Grönland. - Meddelelser om Gronland. Bioscience 25: 15 - 50.

  33. Moberg, R. & E. S. Hansen, 1986: The lichen genus Physcia and allied genera in Greenland. - Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience 22: 1 - 32.

  34. Poelt, J. & W. Obermayer, 1991: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya II. Die Gattung Bryonora (Lichenes, Lecanoraceae) zugleich eine Revision aller Arten. - Nova Hedwigia 53, 1-2: 1 - 26.

  35. Sarrión, F. J., G. Aragón, J. Hafellner, V. J. Rico & A. R. Burgaz, 2003: Two new species of Mycobilimbia from Spain. - Lichenologist 35: 1 - 10.

  36. Thomson, J. W., 1984: American Arctic Lichens 1. The Macrolichens. - Columbia University Press.
  37. Thomson, J. W., 1997: American Arctic Lichens 2. The Microlichens. - University of Wisconsin Press.
  38. Timdal, E., 2002: Stereocaulon cumulatum comb. nov., another crustose species in the genus. - Lichenologist 34,1: 7 - 11.

  39. Westberg, M., 2010: The identity of Candelariella canadensis. - Lichenologist 42, 1: 119 - 122.


Not evaluated:


  1. Aarkrog, A., H. Dahlgaard, & S. P. Nielsen, 2000: Environmental radioactive contamination in Greenland: a 35 years retrospect. - Science of the Total Environment 245: 233 - 248.
  2. Aastrup, P. F. Riget, R. Dietz & G. Asmund, 2000: Lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury, selenium and copper in Greenland caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). - Science of the Total Environment 245(1-3): 149 - 159.
  3. Ahti, T., 1998: A revision of Cladonia stricta [Ülevaade liigist Cladonia stricta]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 32: 5-8.
  4. Alstrup, V., 1979: Notes on selected Greenlandic lichens. - Botanisk Tidsskrift 74: 155 - 163.
  5. Alstrup, V., 1982: The epiphytic lichens of Greenland. - Bryologist 85: 64 - 73.
  6. Alstrup, V., 1986: Contributions to the lichen flora of Greenland. - International Journal of Mycology and Lichenology 3: 1 - 16.
  7. Alstrup, V., 1987: Lichens new to Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 1: 52 - 53.
  8. Alstrup, V., 1989: Gyalidea diaphana and Trapeliopsis flexuosa new to Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 2, 4: 161.
  9. Alstrup, V., 1991: Variation in Placidiopsis minor as shown by a specimen from Greenland. - Lichenologist 23, 1: 89 - 91.
  10. Alstrup, V., 1993: News on lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Nordic countries. - Graphis Scripta 5, 2: 96 - 104.
  11. Alstrup, V., 1995: In situ cryo-subfossil vegetation in Northwest Greenland. - Cryptogamic Botany 5(2): 172-176.
  12. Alstrup, V. & E. S. Hansen, 2001: New lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 12, 2: 41 - 50.
  13. Alstrup, V. & D. L. Hawksworth, 1990: The lichenicolous fungi of Greenland. - Meddelelser om Gronland, Bioscience 31: 1-90.
  14. Alstrup, V., E. S. Hansen & F. J. A. Daniels, 2000: Lichenized, lichenicolous and other fungi from North and North East Greenland [Pohja- ja Kirde-Gröönimaa lihheniseerunud, lihhenikoolsed ja teised seened]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 37: 1-20.
  15. Alstrup, V., J. Kocourková, M. Kukwa, J. Motiejunaite, W. von Brackel and A. Suija, 2009: The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of South Greenland. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 46: 1-24.
  16. Anonymus. 1840: Iceland, Greenland and Färö. - Edinburgh Cabinet Library xxx: 377.

  17. Beschel, R. & A. Weidick, 1973: Geobotanical and geomorphological reconnaissance in West Greenland, 1961. - Arctic and Alpine Res. 5: 311 - 319.
  18. Beschel, R. E., 1958: Lichenometrical studies in west Greenland. - Arctic 11, 4: 254.
  19. Beyens, L., D. Chardez & R. De Landtsheer, 1986: Testate amoebae populations from moss and lichen habitats in the arctic. - Polar Biology 5: 165-173.
  20. Bocher, T. W., 1949: The botanical expedition to West Greenland 1946. Introduction with a short mention of the vegetation areas examined. - Meddel. om Gronland 147, 1: 1 - 28.
  21. Bocher, T. W., 1954: Oceanic and continental vegetation complexes in southwest Greenland. - Meddel. om Gronland 148, 1: 1-336.
  22. Brandt, J. S. D., 1885: Lichener fra Scoresby Sund og Hold with Hope. - Meddel. Grönland 18: 85-103.
  23. Brandt, J. S. D., 1887: Grönlands lichen-flora. - Meddel. Grönland 3: 449-513.
  24. Branth, J. & S. Deichmann, 1892: Tillaeg to Gronlands Lichen-Flora. - : 753-762.
  25. Branth, J. & S. Deichmann, 1895: Lichener fra Scoresby Sund og Hold with Hope. - Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 5, 56 (5/6): 407.
  26. Branth, J. & S. Deichmann, 1896: Lichener fra Scoresby Sund og Hold with Hope. - Meddel. Grönland 18: 83 - 103.
  27. Branth, J., S. Deichmann & C. Grönlund, 1892: Grönlands Lichenen-Flora. - Meddel. Grönland III: 449-513.
  28. Breuss, O. & E. S. Hansen, 1988: The lichen genera Catapyrenium and Placidiopsis in Greenland. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 159, 1-2: 95 - 105.
  29. Brink, N. W. T., 1973: Lichen growth rates in West Greenland. - Arctic Alpine Res. 5: 323 - 331.
  30. Brodo, I. M. & V. Alstrup, 1981: The lichen Bryoria subdivergens (Dahl) Brodo & D. Hawksw. in Greenland and North America. - Bryologist 84: 229-235.
  31. Brown, R., 1862: List of Arctic Cryptogamic Plants etc. collected by Robert Brown, during the Summer of 1861, on the Islands of Greenland, in Baffin's Bay and Davis Straits. - Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh VIII: 374-375.
  32. Brown, R 1868: Florula discoana (contributions à la géographie botanique du Groenlande, entre le 58 et le 70 parallele de lat. sept.). - Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 9: 430 - 464.
  33. Bültmann, H. & C. H. Lünterbusch, 2008: The Cladonia cariosa group in Greenland. - Abhandl. Westfälischen Museum Naturkunde 70, 3/4: 305 - 312.

  34. Christensen, C 1917: Likenindsamling i Grönland i gamle Dage (Flechtensammeln in Grönland in vergangenen Tagen). - Botanisk Tidsskrift\Bot. Tidsskr. 34: 346-347.
  35. Christiansen, MS 1971: De gronlandske laver. [The lichens of Greenland.]. - In: A. Norrevang et al. (eds.): Danmarks Natur. Bind 10. Gronland og Faeroerne. Politikens Forlag, Kobenhavn, pp. 316-327.
  36. Coppins, BJ 1996: [Review:] E. S. Hansen. Greenland Lichens. 124 pp. Rhodos & Danish Polar Centre, Copenhagen, 1995. - Lichenologist 28(5): 490.
  37. Coppins, B. J. & O. W. Purvis, 1987: A review of Psilolechia. - Lichenologist 19: 29-42.
  38. Corner, R. W. M., 2001: Distribution of Allantoparmelia alpicola. - British Lichen Society Bulletin 89: 18-21.
  39. Cranz, D., 1770: Historie von Grönland enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner etc. Zweite Ausgabe. - Barby. pp.
  40. Cretzoiu, P., 1942: Dombrava's Flechten aus Grönland. - Buletinul gradinii botanice si al muzeului botanic dela Universitat ea clin Cluj la Timisoara\Bul. grad. bot. Muz. Bot. Univ. Cluj Timis. 21: 137-138.
  41. Czeczuga, B. & V. Alstrup, 1987: The carotenoid content of lichens from Greenland. - Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 15: 297-301.
  42. Czeczuga, B. & P. Jacobsen, 1993: Carotenoids in West Greenland lichens. - Arctic and Alpine Research 25, 4: 413-415.
  43. Czeczuga, B/ Olech, M 1990: Investigations on carotenoids in lichens. XXV. Studies of carotenoids in lichens from Spitsbergen. - Phyton [Austria] 30(2): 235-245.

  44. Dahl, E., 1950: Studies in the macrolichen flora of southwest Greenland. - Meddel. om Gronland 150, 2: 1-176.
  45. Dahl, E; Lynge, B; Scholander, P F 1937: Lichens from Southeast Greenland collected chiefly by Dr. P. F. Scholander in 1932 during the Norwegian expedition in the S/S "Polaris". - Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet 70: 1 - 76.
  46. Daniels, FJA 1968: Lichens collected during a Dutch botanical East Greenland expedition to the Angmagssalik area in 1966. - Acta Bot. Neerland. 17: 345-358.
  47. Daniels, F. J. A., 1975: Vegetation of the Angmagssalik district, southeast Greenland. III. Epilithic macrolichen communities. - Meddel. om Grønland 198: 1 - 32.
  48. Daniels, FJA 1982: Vegetation of the Angmagssalik District, Southeast Greenland, IV. Shrub, dwarf shrub and terricolous lichens. - Meddelelser om Gronland, Bioscience 10: 1-78.
  49. Daniels, FJA 1994: Über die Flechtenvegetation Grönlands. - Aktuelle Lichenologische Mitteilungen 5: 21-27.
  50. Daniels, FJA/ Ferwerda, HF 1972: Three interesting lichen finds from southwest Greenland. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 21: 166-168.
  51. Daniels, FJA/ Hansen, ES/ Sipman, HJM 1985: New records of terricolous microlichens from southeast Greenland. - Acta Botanica Neerlandica 34: 49 - 58.
  52. Daniels, FJA/ Sipman, HJ 1975: Cladonia cenotea (Ach.) Schaer. also found in southeast Greenland. - Acta Bot. Neerl. 24: 481-483.
  53. Darbishire, O V 1897: Flechten aus dem Umanakdistrict, pp. 55-61. - In: Vanhöffen,C: Botanische Ergebnisse der von der Ges. f. Erdk. zu Berlin unter Leitung Dr. v. Drygalski's ausgesandten Grönlandexpedition nach Dr. Vanhöffens Sammlungen bearbeitet. A. Kryptogamen. - Bibliotheca Botanica 42. \Stuttgart, pp. .
  54. DePriest, PT/ Ivanova, NV/ Fahselt, D/ Alstrup, V/ Gargas, A 2000: Sequences of psychrophilic fungi amplified from glacier-preserved ascolichens. - Canadian Journal of Botany 78(11): 1450-1459.
  55. Dietz, R/ Riget, F/ Cleemann, M/ Aarkrog, A/ Johansen, P/ Hansen, JC 2000: Comparison of contaminants from different trophic levels and ecosystems. - Science of the Total Environment 245(1-3): 221-231.
  56. Durand, E 1856: Plantae Kaneanae Groenlandicae. - Journ. Acad. Nat. Science of Philadelphia III: .

  57. Eckardt, FE/ Heerfordt, L/ Jørgensen, HM/ Vaag, P 1982: Photosynthetic production in Greenland as related to climate, plant cover and grazing pressure. - Photosynthetica 16: 71-100.
  58. Eckfeldt, J W 1893: Lichens, in: W.E. Meehan, A contribution to the flora of Greenland. - Proceed. of the Academy of natural Sciences of Philadelphia\Proc. Acad. nat. Sci Ph : 215-216.

  59. Fahselt, D/ Alstrup, V 1997: High performance liquid chromatography of phenolics in recent and subfossil lichens. - Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1148 - 1154.
  60. Fahselt, D/ Alstrup, V/ Tavares, S 1995: Enzyme polymorphism in Umbilicaria cylindrica in northwest Greenland. - The Bryologist 98(1): 118-122.
  61. Fahselt, D/ Krol, M/ Alstrup, V/ Hüner, N 2001: Detection of pigments in specimens of recent and subfossil Umbilicaria from North Greenland. - The Bryologist 104(4): 593 - 599.
  62. Fredskild, B/ Mogensen, GS/ Hansen, ES 1995: Gronlands Botaniske Undersogelse, 1994 [Greenland Botanical Survey]. - Botanisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 20 pp.
  63. Fries, T M 1860: Lichenes Arctoi Europae Groenlandiaeque hactenus cogniti. - \Upsaliae. pp.

  64. Galloe, O., 1910: Lichens from North-East Greenland, collected by the Danmark-Expedition 1906-1908. - Meddel. Grönland 43: 181-191.
  65. Gelting, P., 1955: A West Greenland Dryas integrifolia community rich in lichens. - Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 49: 295 - 313.
  66. Gelting, P 1956: Parmelia subaurifera Nyl. and P. fraudans (Nyl.) Nyl. in Greenland. - Friesia 5(3-5): 240-246.
  67. Grönlund, C 1878: Lichenes samlede i Grönland af Prof. Johnstrup i Sommeren 1874. - Videnskab. Meddel. naturhist. Forening Kjöbenhavn 1877 - 1878: 244-250.

  68. Hafellner, J., 1999: Beiträge zu einem Prodromus der lichenicolen Pilze Österreichs und angrenzender Gebiete. IV. Drei neue Arten und weitere bemerkenswerte Funde hauptsächlich in der Steiermark [Contributions to a prodromus of the lichenicolous fungi of Austria and neighbouring areas. IV. Three new species and further remarkable records mainly from Styria]. - Linzer Biologische Beitrage 31(1): 507-532.
  69. Hagen, A 1951: Die norwegische Expedition nach Ost-Gronland 1933. Kurze Ubersicht uber die botanische Arbeit. - Polarforschung 1951(1): 51-54.
  70. Hansen, ES 1972: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniensi Distributae. Fasc. I (No. 1-50). - . 20 pp.
  71. Hansen, ES 1975: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. II (No. 51-110). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 24 (unnumbered) pp.
  72. Hansen, ES 1978: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. III (Nos. 111-160), Fasc. IV (Nos. 161-210). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 20 (unnumbered) pp.
  73. Hansen, ES 1979: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. V (Nos. 211-260). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 9 (unnumbered) pp.
  74. Hansen, E. S., 1980: Lichens from northwestern Greenland collected on botanical expeditions in 1975 and 1977. - Bryologist 83: 87 - 93.
  75. Hansen, E. S., 1981: Cetraria nigricascens and C. tilesii found in Greenland. - Lichenologist 13: 97 - 99.
  76. Hansen, E. S., 1982: Lichens from Central East Greenland. - Meddel. Grønland. Biosci. 9: 1 - 33.
  77. Hansen, E. S., 1983: Additions to the lichen flora of Greenalnd. - Mycotaxon 18: 483-494.
  78. Hansen, E. S., 1983: Lichens collected by L. Hansson in northwestern Greenland. - Mycotaxon 18: 175-180.
  79. Hansen, E. S., 1984: Notes on new revisions of Greenlandic lichens II.. - Mycotaxon 21: 299-314.
  80. Hansen, ES 1986: Søndre Strømfjord, et arktisk steppeområde. - Urt 1986: 68-72.
  81. Hansen, ES 1987: New or interesting Greenland lichens IV. - Mycotaxon 30: 69-80.
  82. Hansen, E. S., 1989: The lichen flora of Qaanaaq (Thule), northwestern Greenland. - Mycotaxon 35, 2: 379 - 394.
  83. Hansen, E. S., 1990: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. VII (Nos. 311-360).. - . 19 pp.
  84. Hansen, ES 1990: Qilakitsoq, Maarmorilik og Upernavik -- set med en botanikers ojne. - Tidskriftet Gronland 4: 101 - 112.
  85. Hansen, ES 1991: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. VIII (Nos. 361-416). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 22 pp.
  86. Hansen, ES 1991: The lichen flora near a lead-zinc mine at Maarmorilik in West Greenland. - Lichenologist 23(4): 381-391.
  87. Hansen, E. S., 1993: Collema substellatum and Fulgensia desertorum, new to Greenland. - Lichenologist 25: 451 - 454.
  88. Hansen, ES 1993: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. IX (Nos. 417-466). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 20 pp.
  89. Hansen, ES 1993: The lichen flora of coastal and inland areas in the Godthåb Fjord and the Ameralik Fjord, Southwestern Greenland. - Mycotaxon 48: 249-269.
  90. Hansen, ES 1994: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. X (Nos. 467-500). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 15 pp.
  91. Hansen, ES 1995: Index of Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati: Fascicle I-X with notes on distribution of the taxa in Greenland. - Mycotaxon 53: 97-108.
  92. Hansen, E. S., 1995a: Greenland lichens. - Copenhagen.
  93. Hansen, E. S., 1995b: The lichen flora of the Jørgen Brønlund Fjord area, northern Greenland. - Bibl. Lichenol. 57: 187 - 198.
  94. Hansen, ES 1995: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. XI (Nos. 501-550). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 28 pp.
  95. Hansen, ES 1995: The lichen flora near Ittoqqortoormiit/Scoresbysund in Central East Greenland [Die Flechtenflora um Ittoqqortoormiit/Scoresbysund im zentralen Ost-Grönland]. - Herzogia 11: 197 - 206.
  96. Hansen, E. S., 1995: Index of Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati: Fascicle I-X with notes on distribution of the taxa in Greenland. - Mycotaxon 53: 97-108.
  97. Hansen, E, S., 1995: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. XI (Nos. 501-550). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 28 pp.
  98. Hansen, E. S., 1995: The lichen flora near Ittoqqortoormiit/Scoresbysund in Central East Greenland [Die Flechtenflora um Ittoqqortoormiit/Scoresbysund im zentralen Ost-Grönland]. - Herzogia 11: 197-206.
  99. Hansen, E. S., 1995: The lichen flora of the Jørgen Brønlund fjord area, northern Greenland. - In: Knoph, J-G/Schrüfer, K/Sipman, HJM (eds.): Studies in Lichenology with Emphasis on Chemotaxonomy, Geography and Phytochemistry. Festschrift Christian Leuckert. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, pp. 187-198.
  100. Hansen, E. S., 1996: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. XII (Nos. 551-600). - Botanical Museum, University ofCopenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 28 (unnumbered) pp.
  101. Hansen, E. S., 1996: Vertical distribution of lichens on the mountain, Aucellabjerg, northeastern Greenland. - Arctic and Alpine Research 28(1): 111-117.
  102. Hansen, E. S., 1997: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati. Fasc. XIII (Nos. 601-625). Fasc. XIV (Nos. 626-650). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 28 (unnumbered) pp.
  103. Hansen, E. S., 1997: Studies of the lichen flora of coastal areas in Central West Greenland. - Nova Hedwigia 64(3-4): 505-523.
  104. Hansen, E. S., 1998: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati. Fasc. XV (Nos. 651-675). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 15 (unnumbered) pp.
  105. Hansen, E. S., 1998: Notes on some new and interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 9: 7-9.
  106. Hansen, E. S., 1998: The lichen flora near Sisimiut, Kangaamiut and Maniitsoq in central West Greenland. - Herzogia 13: 199-206.
  107. Hansen, E. S., 1999: Epilithic lichens on iron- and copper-containing crusts at Qeqertarsuaq, Central West Greenland. - Graphis Scripta 10(1/2): 7-12.
  108. Hansen, E. S., 1999: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. XVI (Nos. 676-700), Fasc. XVII (Nos. 701-725), Fasc. XVIII (Nos. 726-750). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 43 (unnumbered) pp.
  109. Hansen, E. S., 1999: Lichens from Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavn, Disko, Central West Greenland [Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavn, Disko (Lääne-Gröönimaa keskosa) samblikud]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 34: 33-42.
  110. Hansen, E. S., 1999: Lichens from Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavn, Disko, Central West Greenland [Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavni, Disko (Lääne-Gröönimaa keskosa) samblikud]. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 34: 33-42.
  111. Hansen, E. S., 2000: A comparison among the lichen floras of three climatically different localities in South West Greenland. - Mycotaxon 74(2): 429-445.
  112. Hansen, E. S., 2000: A contribution to the lichen flora of the Kangerlussuaq area, West Greenland. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 21(1): 53-59.
  113. Hansen, E. S., 2001: Lichen-rich soil crusts of Arctic Greenland. - In: Belnap, J/Lange, O (eds.): Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 57-65.
  114. Hansen, ES 2001: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati, a Museo Botanico Hauniense Distributae. Fasc. XIX (Nos. 751-775), Fasc. XX (Nos. 776-800). - Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 28 (unnumbered) pp.
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