Collectors of lichens of Oklahoma (USA)
Version 31 December 2017


  1. Anderson, R. A.: - Participant of the 1960 foray of the American Bryological Society in Oklahoma.

  2. Holmberg, Nels: - His collections of lichens and bryophytes on his family's 360 acre farm property and other sites in Beckham County are the base of the publication Darigo & Holmberg (2005). Material at OKL.

  3. Hale, M. E.: - Carried out an intensive survey of lichens in the summers of 1954 and 1955 in 40 continuous counties in the Ozark Mountains.

  4. Hendrick, Joyce: - Participant of the 1960 foray of the American Bryological Society in Oklahoma.

  5. Keck, Darvin W.: - Author of two lists with additional species for Oklahoma. Material housed in the Oklahoma University Biological Station.

  6. Looman, Jan: - Participant of the 1960 foray of the American Bryological Society in Oklahoma.

  7. Sierk, Herbert: - Participant of the 1960 foray of the American Bryological Society in Oklahoma.

  8. Thomson, J. W.: - Participant of the 1960 foray of the American Bryological Society in Oklahoma.