Arthopyrenia carneobrunneola Coppins

Lichenologist 20, 4: 312 (1988).



Protologue: A. nitescenti (Salwey) Mudd affinis, a qua imprimis differt thallo vulgo fusciore, ascomatibus parum parvioribus, ascis et ascosporis parvioribus. Ascomata c. 100-200 µm lata, 70-85 µm alta; asci 31-45 x 14-17(-21) µm, ascosporae (14-)15-19(-21) x 3-4.5 µm.

Protologue type data: Typus: Caledonia, Westerness, Loch Sunart, Laudale Woods, in valle angusta ad austro-orientem ex Laudale House, 17/75.59, ad corticem laevem Coryli, 9 March 1983, B. J. Coppins & P. M. Jørgensen [Coppins 9345] (E-holotypus).

Type locality: Scotland, Vice-county Westerness, Loch Sunart, Laudale Woods, in valle angusta ad austro-orientem ex Laudale House, 17/75.59, ad corticem laevem Coryli, 9 March 1983, B. J. Coppins & P. M. Jørgensen [Coppins 9345] (E - holotype).

Type locality coordinates: 56°42'0.36"N, 5°45'24.84"W; 56.7001, -5.7569.

Molecular barcode: Data lacking.

Description: Lichen. Thallus crustose, endophloeodal, effuse or delimited from some other crustose lichens by brown marginal lines, pale fawn to darkish brown but often with a pink tinge when fresh, lichenized, with abundant Trentepohlia cells (Coppins 1988: 312).

Photobiont: Trentepohlia spec.

Chemistry: No lichen substances.

Ecology: Corticolous on smooth bark.

Distribution Type: So far known only from western Scotland, where it is locally frequent, central Scottish Highlands and one site in northern England (Coppins 1988: 313).