Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.

Brittonia 17: 184 (1965).

Basionym: Cetraria chrysantha Tuck., Amer. J. Arts Sci. II. 15: 423 (1858).


Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Protolog: Data lacking.

Type locality: Russia, "Asiatic coast of the Behring Strait", Wright (FH - lectotype).

Type locality coordinates: Data lacking.

Molecular barcode: AF451766, AF451767.

Thallus: Data lacking.

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: Usnic acid and atranorin in the upper cortex, alectoronic acid and, regularly in Japanese but rarely in other specimens, also alpha-collatolic acid in the medulla (Culberson & Culberson 1965: 184). alpha-alectoronic acid 0,25, beta-alectoronic acid 0,31, usnic acid 1,30, atranorin 0,09, methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate 0,01 (Krivoshchekova et al. 1983: 12). Haematommic acid (Huneck & Yoshimura 1996: 158).
These results are possibly based on chemical races:
Race I: Usnic acid and atranorin in the uppercortex (Culberson & Culberson 1965: 184 50 how many samples?)
Race II: Usnic acid and atranorin in the upper cortex, alectoronic acid and, regularly in Japanese but rarely in other specimens, also alpha-collatolic acid in the medulla (Culberson & Culberson 1965: 184) (author e.g. 2004: 460).

Ecology: On boulders and plant debris in the arctic tundra and again in the high mountains of Japan. From the Ural Mountains east to Kamtchatka and the Behring Strait, south to Outer Mongolia and Japan; Aleutians and Alaska except the south coast; Yukon adjacent to northern Alaska; and again in southern Baffin Island (Culberson & Culberson 1965: 184).

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Restricted to Finnmark (and Kola Peninsula) with only two localities in the Nordic countries. Widespread in Asia (China, Japan, Mongolia, Russia) and amphi- Beringian area, having a center around the Bering Strait, ranging eastwards to Baffin Island and westwards to Novaya Zemlya and Ural Mts. Database
