Caloplaca celata Th. Fr.

Nova Hedwigia 87 (1-2): 69-96 (2008)



Thallus: episubstratic or, when on wood, endosubstratic, irregular in outline, thin; margin indistinct; surface whitish grey. Apothecia sparse to moderately abundant, scattered or in loose groups, to 0.9 mm in diam., small, sessile from beginning, strongly constricted, lecanorine; disc plane, black, disc surface structure smooth, often slightly white pruinose; margin distinct and persistent, not flexuose, black to somewhat violet when abundantly pruinose, concolorous with disc, smooth, pruina absent to distinct. Excipulum to 35 µm wide with many algal cells; inner part paraplectenchymatous, consisting of round to angular cells, 4-6 µm in diam., hyaline. Hypothecium and subhymenium hyaline. Hymenium 70 µm high, hyaline; paraphyses distinctly thickened with a pigmented wall, crystals located in uppermost zone of the hymenium, insoluble in KOH, apical ramifications very frequent; epihymenium not distinctly delimited, blackish violet hyaline. Asci 50 x 15 µm. Ascospores 8 per ascus, occasionally fewer, broadly ellipsoid, 14-17 x 6-7 µm; septum 5-7 µm. (Søchting 2008: 78).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: No soluble anthraquinones present; disc K+ violet; epihymenium K+ violet (Søchting 2008: 78).

Ecology: On wood, detritus of Saxifraga oppositifolia and Silene acaulis, old bones and antlers.

Distribution: Database
