Cornicularia normoerica (Gunnerus) Du Rietz

Ark. Bot. 20A(no. 11): 32 (1926).

Basionym: Lichen normoericus Gunnerus, Fl. Norveg. 2: 123 (1772).


Type locality: Norway, Tordevigen, E. H. Kempe (TRH-Gunnerus 973 - holotype). Jorgensen, Biblioth. Lichenol. 95: 44 (2007).

Photobiont: Green alga. Trebouxioid.

Chemistry: No lichen substances.

Ecology: On exposed, acid rocks.

Distribution Type: Data lacking.
Along the coasts of Iceland, Norway, and the SW coast of Sweden but also inland in Härjedalen, Jämtland and Torne Lappmark. In Europe extending southwards to Portugal. In Asia found in the Caucasus and East Asia. In North America found along the west coast from southem Alaska to northern Califomia and eastwards to Alberta and Montana, and at a single locality in Labrador.

Leif Stridvall Lichen Gallery

Enlichenment Photo Gallery

Lichens of the Pacific Northwest





Tropical Lichens