Crespoa (D. Hawksw.) Lendemer & Hodkinson

Version 1 June 2016


North American Fungi 7: 3 (2012).

Synonyms: Parmotrema subgenus Crespoa D. Hawksw., Lichenologist 43: 647 (2011).

Type species: Parmelia crozalsiana B. de Lesd. ex Harm.

Number of species: 5.

Family: Parmeliaceae.

Description: A foliose lichen genus in the Parmeliaceae with 5 species, based on the molecular Parmelia crozalsiana - clade. The species are characterized by an absence of characters from the fungal reproductive structures distinguishing members of the group from those classified in Parmotrema subg. Parmotrema.

Photobiont: Trebouxioid green alga.


Selected literature:
Lendemer & Hodkinson 2012.


  1. Crespoa carneopruinata (Zahlbr.) Lendemer & B.P. Hodk.
  2. Crespoa crozalsiana (B. de Lesd. ex Harm.) Lendemer & B.P. Hodk.
  3. Crespoa inhaminensis (C.W. Dodge) Lendemer & B.P. Hodk.
  4. Crespoa schelpei (Hale) Lendemer & B.P. Hodk.