Dimelaena oreina (Ach.) Norman

Nytt Mag. Natur. 7: 231 (1853) [1852].

Basionym: Lecanora straminea var. oreina Ach., Lich. univ.: 432 (1810).


Chemistry: At least 5 chemical races:
Race 0: Usnic acid in the cortex, no medullary substance (Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54).
Race I: Usnic acid in the cortex, fumarprotocetraric acid in the medulla (Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54).
Race II: Usnic acid in the cortex, gyrophoric acid (Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54), (Bergner 2018: 142 K-, C+ rot, p- in a sample from the vicinity of Augsburg).
Race III: Usnic acid in the cortex, fumarprotocetraric acid, gyrophoric acid in the medulla (Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54).
Race IV: Usnic acid in the cortex, stictic acid in the medulla (Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54).
Race V: Usnic acid in the cortex, fumarprotocetraric acid, norstictic acid in the medulla (Sheard 1977: 103, Leuckert & Poelt 1978: 54).
All specimens from Armenia belong to chemotype V (usnic acid, stictic acid, norstictic acid, constitic acid according to Mayrhofer et al. (1996) or chemotype Va according to Obermayer et al.(2004). Harutyunyan & Mayrhofer 2009: 146.

Ecology: On silicious rocks.

Distribution Database: Distributions

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank