Diploschistes austroafricanus Guderley & Lumbsch

Mycotaxon 58: 274 (1996) "South Africa. Cape Province. Namaqualand. Knersvlakte, ca. 25 km N of Vanrhynsdorp, near "Douse the Glim", on quartzitic rocks, 31°23'S, 18°42'E, 150 m, 2.X.1987, W. & U. Wetschnig (GZU - holotype)".



Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type: South Africa, Cape Province, Namaqualand, Knersvlakte, ca. 25 km N of Vanrhynsdorp, near "Douse the Glim", on quartzitic rocks, 150 m, 2.10.1987, W. & U. Wetschnig (GZU - holotype).
Coordinates: 31°23'S, 18°42'E.
Thallus: crustose, rimose areolate to verruculose, opaque to shining, yellowish brown, epruinose. Areoles 0.3 to 1 mm in diameter, plane to verrucose. Apothecia immersed, perithecioid, grey to blackish, up to 1.4 mm high, up to 0.6 mm in diameter when viewed from above, up to 2.5 mm wide in section. Excipulum proprium blackish, 60 - 90 µm thick, pseudoparenchymatous. Hymenium 100 - 160 µm high. Hypothecium 10 - 15 µm high, hyaline. Paraphyses 1.0 - 1.5 µm thick, simple and lax. Asci cylindrical to subclavate, 90 - 140 / 20 -40 µm, 6 - 8 spored. Ascospores brown, muriform, ellipsoid, 6 - 7 transverse septa. 2 - 3 longitudinal septa, 34 - 40 / 19 - 22 µm (Guderley & Lumbsch 1996: 275).

Photobiont: Trebouxia (Guderley & Lumbsch 1996: 275).

Chemistry: Lecanoric acid (major), diploschistesic acid (minor), orsellinic acid (minor) (Guderley & Lumbsch 1996: 275).

Ecology: On silicious rocks (Guderley & Lumbsch 1996: 275).

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Database
