Diploschistes elixii Lumbsch & Mangold

Lichenologist 39, 5: 459 (2007)  


Protolog: Data lacking.

Protolog type data: Australia, Western Australia, Bullfinch-Evanston Road, 24.7 km N of Bullfinch, 30°47'S, 119°09'E, Eucalyptus woodland with saltbush and shrub understory, 345 m, on soil, 28 April 2004, J.A. Elix 32458 (PERTH - holotypus, CANB, F - isotypi).

Type locality: Australia, Western Australia, Bullfinch-Evanston Road, 24.7 km N of Bullfinch, 30°47'S, 119°09'E, Eucalyptus woodland with saltbush and shrub understory, on soil, 345 m, 28.4.2004, J. A. Elix 32458 (PERTH - holotypus, CANB, F - isotypes).

Type locality coordinates: Data lacking.

Molecular barcode: Data lacking.

Thallus: crustose, uniform, adnate, whitish grey to grey, moderately thick, up to 0.6 mm thick. Surface shiny, glabrous, areolate, verrucose to verruculose, epruinose. Areoles 0.4 - 1.0 mm diam., irregularly angular or roundish; hyphae penetrating into the substratum. Thallus covered by an epinecral layer, hyphae 1 - 2 µm thick. Vegetative propagules absent. Prothallus not visible. Apothecia: Ascomata perithecioid, solitary, immersed, blackish, epruinose to slightly pruinose, orbicular, up to 0.8 mm diam. and up to 0.3 mm tall, discs urceolate. Proper exciple blackish, 40 - 65 µm thick, pseudoparenchymatous. Hypothecium 10 µm tall, hyaline. Hymenium 110 - 150 µm tall, hyaline, not inspersed. Epihymenium indistinct. Paraphyses 1 - 1.5 µm thick, simple; apices not thickened. Asci cylindrical, apically thickened, non-amyloid, 2 - 4 - 8 - spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, brown, muriform, 25 - 45 /14 - 20 µm, with 7 - 10 transverse septa and 1 - 3 longitudinal septa. Pycnidia unknown (Lumbsch & Mangold 2007: 459).

Photobiont: Trebouxioid alga with cells c. 20 µm diam (Lumbsch & Mangold 2007: 459).

Chemistry: Thallus and apothecia K- or K+ yellowish, C+ red, KC-, PD-. Lecanoric acid (major), diploschistesic acid (minor) (Lumbsch & Mangold 2007: 459).

Ecology: Terricolous.

Distribution Type: Endemic in Western Australia.



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