Flavoparmelia glomelliferica Elix & Adler

Mycotaxon 30: 335 (1987).



Type locality: Argentina, Provincia de Salta, Las Pailas, 50 m above the road, on rocks, 2280 m, M.T. Adler (BAFC - holotype, ANUC - isotype).

Type locality coordinates: 25°05'S, 66°11'W.

ITS barcode: Data lacking.

Description: Lichen. Thallus foliose, tightly adnate, yellow-green in colour, to 5 cm in diameter; lobes rotund, 1.0 - 3.0 mm wide, becoming laterally imbricate, + contiguous, plane, irregularly divided. Upper surface broadly undulating, rugose centrally, dull for the most part, with reticulate white maculae towards the apices, apices shiny, black margined; dactylate, datyls laminal on older lobes, large, thick, simple or sparingly branched, forming isidioid-pustules, fragile, breaking open apically but rarely forming granular soredia; medulla white; lower surface black with a very narrow naked brown rim, sparsely rhizinate, rhizines short, simple or tufted at the apices, concolorous with the lower surface. Apothecia and pycnidia unknown (Elix & Adler 1987: 335).

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C-, KC+ pale purple, P-, usnic acid, glomelliferic acid (major), stenosporic acid (minor), perlatolic acid (minor), unknowns (traces) (Elix & Adler 1987: 335).

Ecology: Saxicolous.

Distribution type: Data lacking.

Taxonomy: Data lacking.


--> Distribution Database: Distributions

Distribution Database: Discover Life

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank