Gloeoheppia rugosa Henssen

Lichenologist 27, 4: 273 (1995).



Protologue: A Gloeoheppia turgidam thallo rugoso et pro parte subfruticoso differt.

Protologue type data: Typus: Canary Islands. Lanzarote, Playa Mujeres near Punta de Papagayo, lava field c. 4 km S of Tinguaton at the foot of Caldera Colorada, in seepage lines of string-lava, alt. c. 50 m, in part overgrowing mats of blue-green alga (cyanobacteria) and decayed thalli of Lichinaceae, February 1980, Henssen 26384b (hb. Henssen-holotypus, BM-isotypus).

Type locality: Spain, Canary Islands, Lanzarote, Playa Mujeres near Punta de Papagayo, lava field c. 4 km S of Tinguaton at the foot of Caldera Colorada, in seepage lines of string-lava, in part overgrowing mats of blue-green alga (cyanobacteria) and decayed thalli of Lichinaceae, c. 50 m, February 1980, A. Henssen 26384b (Henssen - holotype, BM - isotype).

Type locality coordinates: 29°2'54"N, 13°37'8"W; 29.048333°, -13.618889°.

ITS barcode: 11 October 2017: No data in genbank.

Description: Lichen. Thallus squamulose to subfruticose, stalked, brownish, up to 5 mm diam., with stalk 4-5 mm tall, surface rugose. Thallus in section (140-)200-380(-455) µm thick. Apothecia rare, urceolate when juvenile, large apothecia adnate, up to 1 mm diam. with broad, flat, blackish disc and rugose thalline margin. In iodine, hymenium slightly bluish, subhymenium blue; hymenium 98-120 µm tall, subhymenium 23-47 µm, excipulum 10-20 µm thick at the base and 20-30 µm at the margin, thalline margin 115-140 µm thick. Asci cylindrical, 8-spored, 65-85 x 6-7(-10.5) µm; ascospores 12-13 x 5-6 µm. Pycnidia unknown.

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: No lichen substances.

Ecology: On volcanic rock.

Distribution type: Known only from the type locality.

Taxonomy: Data lacking.


Distribution Database: Distributions

Distribution Database: Discover Life

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank