Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H. Mayrhofer & Poelt

in Hafellner, Mayrhofer & Poelt, Herzogia 5, 1-2: 62 (1979).

Basionym: Lecanora adglutinata Flörke, Deutsche Lichenen 4: 7 (1819) fide Esslinger et al. (2012: 36).
Lecanora adglutinata Flörke, Deutsche Lich. 4: 7 (1815) fide Index Fungorum

Type locality: Germany, Baden Mosbach, 1928, Degelius (UPS - neotype). Designated by Moberg, Symb. Bot. Ups. 22,1: 78 (1977).aber siehe unten, (Filippini 2015: 26)

Filippini, E./ Quiroga, G./ Rodriguez, J.M./ Estrabou, C. 2015: The genus Hyperphyscia (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) in Argentina. - Sydowia 67: 25-32. [RLL List # 242 / Rec.# 37316]
Keywords: Hyperphyscia endochrysea/ lichens/ soralia morphology/ taxonomy
Abstract: A total of 13 species of genus Hyperphyscia were identified. A description is given for each species, including ecology and distribution data. The taxonomic status of each species is discussed. Hyperphyscia confusa, H. pyrithrocardia and H. minor are new records from Argentina. Hyperphyscia cochlearis is synonymous with H. variabilis. The new combination Hyperphyscia endochrysea is proposed.

In Esslinger et al. (2012: 36) heißt es Type: Germany, Berlin, Flörke s.n. (lectotype, selected by Aptroot 1987). Aptroot, A., 1987: Flora of the Guianas. Series E: Fungi and Lichens, Pyxinaceae (Lichens). Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany.

Type locality coordinates: Data lacking.

Molecular barcode: Data lacking.

Thallus: mostly orbicular, to 2 cm diam., thin and closely adnate, brownish grey to dark brown. Lobes to 0.5 mm broad, often overlapping. Soralia mainly laminal, punctiform to + capitate. Lobes closely adnate except for the outermost part where the few and short rhizinae are present. Apothecia rare, to 1 mm diam. Spores 13-18 x 7-10 µm. Conidiomata immersed, sparse, conidia filiform, 15-20 µm long (Moberg 2002: 27).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: No lichen substances by TLC in Nordic material (Moberg 2002: 27).

Ecology: Corticolous, on solitary, decidious trees in open situations, often with nutrient-enriched bark (Moberg 2002: 27).

Distribution type: Scandinavia, British Isles, Central and South Europe.

Taxonomy: Data lacking.


Distribution Database: Distributions

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank

