Lecanographa subdryophila (Follmann & Vezda) Egea & Torrente

Biblthca Lichenol. 54: 157 (1994).

Basionym: Lecanactis subdryophila Follmann & Vezda, Philippia 3: 271 (1977).


Thallus: crustose, epiphloedal, rimose to areolate, well developed, ca. 300 µm thick, surrounded by black prothalline line surface: creamy white, pulverulent medulla: white, little differentiated, cretaceous. Ascomata: rounded to somewhat irregular, 0.3-1 mm in diam., sessile, constricted at base disc: black, plane to slightly convex, whitish to grayish pruinose exciple: smooth, finally disappearing hymenium: hyaline, 100-110 µm tall, I+ blue; paraphysoids: numerous, branched and anastomosing, very coherent, 1.5 µm wide, with apical cells somewhat enlarged, coralloid branched subhymenium: pale brown or with reddish tinge, 20-30 µm thick asci: clavate to cylindrical-clavate, without differentiated ring, 45-70 x 10-13 µm, 8spored ascospores: hyaline, becoming brown only when old, transversely (4-)5-6(-7) septate, fusiform, straight or slightly curved, 15-24(-27) x 3-3.5(-4) µm, with thin walls and an +uniform, thin gelatinous sheath Pycnidia: semi-immersed in thallus, punctiform, subglobose, 220 x 150 µm; wall: dark brown in the upper part and hyaline or pale brown in the lower part conidia: hyaline, 5-8(-9) x 1-1.2 µm (aus der Sonora-Flora?).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: Thallus K+ orange or K-, C- or weakly yellow, P+ yellow, thallus with psoromic acid, conpsoromic acids (Sonora).

Ecology: On bark, e.g. Torrey Pine.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: South America (Chile) and western North America (California) Sonoran distribution: coast of southern California.
