Lobaria quercizans Michx.

Fl. Bor. Amer.: 324 (1803).



Description: Lichen. Thallus foliose, commonly up to 15 cm, rarely to 36 cm broad, adnate, cartilaginous-coriaceous, smooth to rugose, often periclinally wrinkled in older parts; cream-buff to olive-gray, greener when wet. ... (Jordan 1973: 245).

Race I: Medulla and lower cortex K+ orange-red, upper cortex usually K+ yellow, lower cortex C+ red, medulla and lower cortex KC+ red; P-. Microchemical: gyrophoric acid, LQ unknown always present; 4-0-methylgyrophoric acid, atranorin, unknown 2 (Jordan 1973: 246).
Race II: gyrophoric acid, LQ unknown (Jordan 1973: 246).