Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch

in Zhao, Leavitt, Zhao, Zhang, Arup, Grube, Pérez-Ortega, Printzen, Sliwa, Kraichak, Divakar, Crespo & Lumbsch, Fungal Diversity 78, 1: 300 (2015).

Basionym: Psora albescens Hoffm., Flora Germaniae 2: 165 (1796).


Type locality: Germany, Bavaria, Munich, Quarter Thalkirchen, on churchyard wall, December 1891, Arnold, Arnold: Lich. Monac. Exs. 212 (H - neotype, selected by Sliwa 2006: 295).

Thallus: Data lacking. Description in Laundon 2010: 631.

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: "Thallus K- bis K+ blaß gelblich, C-, KC wie K, PD-. 2,7-Dichlorlichexanthon" (Kümmerling 1991: 159).

Note: There are deviant versions of the authors: Lecanora albescens (Hoffm.) Flörke - Jacquemin-Roussard & Kilbertus (1971: 60), Calvelo & Liberatore (2002: 72), Hafellner et al. (1992: 112), Hansen (1978: 10), John (1990: 151), Farkas et al. (2001: 153), Faltynowicz (1993: 17), Llimona (1976: 315), Harris (2004: 61). Lecanora albescens (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. - Bornmüller (1929: 101).
Sliwa (2006) claimed that Flörke is the author of Lecanora albescens, giving the name as L. albescens (Hoffm.) Flörke in Flotow. Unfortunately, this is wrong because Flotow (1828: 633) actually used Flörke's name as "Lecanora albescens Flk. in Litt. ... ist synonym mit Lecanora Flotoviana Spr." so that it was cited as a synonym and was therefore not validly published under Article 34.1 of the Code. Nowhere did Flotow publish Flörke's text, as Sliwa (2006) claimed. Therefore the correct authors remain as Branth and Rostrup, as given above." (Laundon 2010: 631).