Phyllopsora mauritiana (Taylor) Gotth. Schneid.

Biblthca Lichenol. 13: 177 (1979).

Basionym: Lecidea mauritiana Taylor, J. Bot., Lond. 6: 151 (1847).



Chemistry: No lichen substances.

Ecology: On bark in humid forest.

Distribution Type: Mauritius .

Note: Schneider (1979) writes on page 175 "Aufgrund unserer Untersuchungen gehören zu Phyllopsora:" followed by a list of species and on page 177 there is "Lecidea mauritiana Th. Tayl., Hook. J. Botan. Key Gard. Misc. 6: 151 (1847); Zahlbr., Catal. Lich. Univ. 3: 884 no. 7405 (1925)".

anderswo (Taylor) Swinscow & Krog -
Swinscow, T.D.V. and Krog, H. (1981) The genus Phyllopsora, with a report on East African species. Lichenologist 13: 203–247. (RLL List # 112-74 / Rec. # 18086 - Recent Literature on Lichens)