Protoparmelia leproloma (R. Sant.) Rambold & Poelt

in Poelt & Leuckert, Nova Hedwigia 52(1-2): 54 (1991).

Basionym: Lecidea leproloma R. Sant., in Moberg: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsaliensis Fasc. 1 (Nos 1-25): 6 (1986).

Protolog: Thallus parasiticus supra thallum Lecideae pauperculae, areolatus, esorediosus. Areolae planae vel leviter concavae, fuscae, atro-marginatae. Margo thallosporas nigras format. Apothecia rara, adnata, fusca, leviter convexa, margine inconspicuo. Sporae 8nae, ellipsoideae, parvae. Thallus acidum sticticum, acidum norsticticum et acidum cryptosticticum continens.
Sweden. Härjedalen Prov., Tännäs par., Mt Gruvvålen, 0.2 km SSW of Lake Glimsjön (c. 1.8 km NE of Ramundbergets Fjällgård). 62°43'N 12°25'E. Alt. c. 920 m. On a vertical rock wall. 19.VIII.1985, det. R. Santesson (n. 31390) (holotype in UPS).
Type locality: Sweden, Härjedalen Prov., Tännäs par., Mt. Gruvvålen, 0.2 km SSW of Lake Glimsjön, c. 1.8 km NE of Ramundbergets Fjällgård, on a vertical rock wall, c. 920 m, 19.8.1985, R. Santesson 31390 (UPS - holotype).
Barcode: Available. Data lacking.
Coordinates: 62°43'N 12°25'E.

Thallus: crustose, forming small patches, 3-7 mm, sometimes crusts up to 15 mm across on the saxicolous thallus of Lecidea paupercula, areolate, esorediate; hypothallus indistinct. Areolae flat to slightly concave, smooth, glabrous, yellowish brown to blackish brown, 0.2-0.7 (-1.2) mm across, 0.1-0.4 thick. Each areola surrounded by a 0.1-0.2 mm broad, black margin formed by a rather loose thallospore forming tissue of bluish black, warty, 7-9 cm thick hyphae. Thallospores (1-)2-3-celled, with irregularly arranged rounded, warty, bluish black cells. Apothecia very rare (seen only in one collection from Sweden: Jämtland, R. Santesson no. 26469), adnate, in the middle of areolae, 0.4-0.5 mm diam., margin thin, not prominent. Excipulum brown, pseudoparenchymatous. Hymenium hyaline, 60-75 µm high. Paraphyses simple or with few branches, thick, conglutinate, apices slightly thickened. Asci clavate with an I+ blue wall and tholus, 8-spored. Spores simple, ellipsoid, thin-walled, smooth, 8-11 x 5-7 µm. Pycnidia unknown (Moberg 1986: 6).

Photobiont: unicellular, green algae, 4-11 µm diam.

Chemistry: Thallus C-, K-, Pd-; stictic, norstictic and cryptostictic acid (Moberg 1986: 6).

Ecology: Parasitic on the saxicolous Lecidea paupercula.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Sweden, Norway, Greenland. Database
