Psiloparmelia arhizinosa Hale

Mycotaxon 35: 43 (1989).



Protolog: Data lacking.

Protolog type data: Data lacking.

Type locality: Lesotho, on dolerite ledges 16.6 km northwest of Sani Pass at the west side of Kotisephola Pass (on road to Moteng Pass), 3100 m, Grid 2929 AC, Hale 81411, 5 May 1988 (US - holotype; LD, PRE - isotypes).

Type locality coordinates: 29°35'5"S, 29°17'15"E; -29.584722°, 29.2875°.

Molecular barcode: Data lacking.

Thallus: foliose, tightly adnate to adnate, 3 - 7 cm broad, pale yellow-green; lobes subirregular, 0.8 - 2.0 mm wide, irregularly dichotomously branched, subimbricate; upper surface continuous, dull, emaculate, faintly to strongly white pruinose, rugulose with age, sparsely to moderately pustulate, the pustules large, erupting into coarsely sorediate masses to 1 mm diameter; medulla white; lower surface plane, finely felted-velvety, dull, brown to dull mineral-gray at center, pale to ivory-colored at tips, rhizines lacking. Apothecia unknown. Pycnidia unknown (Author xx).

Chemistry: Cortex K+ pale yellow, C-, PD-; medulla K-, C-, KC-, PD-. Atranorin (major) and usnic acid (major) in the cortex and upper medulla, protoconstipatic acid (major) and constipatic acid (major) in the medulla (Author xx).

Ecology: On rock. This unusual species occurs in high-elevation alpine habitats (3,000 - 3,300 m) in Lesotho, usually on the sheltered lower sides of dolerite ledges which receive little if any direct rainfall. It has a peculiar grayish velvety lower surface without rhizines, a rugose, pruinose surface, and coarse soralia (Author xx).

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution Type: Endemic in Lesotho.
