Psoroma hirsutulum Nyl. ex Cromb.

J. Bot., Lond. 13: 333 (1875).



Protologue: Apothecia reddish-brown, concave, submoderate, the thalline receptacle densely whitish-hirsute or woolly. Muscicole and caulicole.

Protologue type data: Kerguelen Land, A. E. Eaton.

Type locality: France, xx, Kerguelen Islands, A. E. Eaton (xx - holotype).

Description: Lichen. Thallus granular to small-squamulose (to 0.5 mm diameter), grey-green, covered by long, silky, white hairs, growing in circles on bryophytes, to 2 cm wide. Cephalodia not observed in Icelandic material. Apothecia numerous, often gregareous, to 2 mm wide, cupuliform with narrow crenate thalline margin beset with long, silky, white hairs; disc concave, brown, epruinose; ascospores simple, colourless, subglobose, 16 - 19 / 12 - 14 µm, rugulose. (Jørgensen & Kristinsson 2003).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: No lichen substances detected by TLC (Jørgensen & Kristinsson 2003).

Ecology: Among mosses and debris in rather moist localities. (Jørgensen & Kristinsson 2003). Ergänzen durch Galloway (1985: 475).

Distribution Database: Distributions

Distribution Database: Discover Life

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank