Psoroma obscurior (Nyl.) P. M. Jørg.

in Ekman, Wedin, Lindblom & Jørgensen, Lichenologist 46, 5: 652 (2014).

Basionym: Pannaria obscurior Nyl., in Crombie, J. Bot., Lond. 13: 334 (1875).


Protologue: Resembling more obscure states of P. brunnea, but with the apothecia blackish, and the hymenial gelatine wine-red with iodine. Muscicole, associated with the preceding [Pannaria hirsutulum].

Protologue type data: Kerguelen Land, A. E. Eaton.

Type locality: France, xx, Kerguelen Islands, A. E. Eaton (xx - holotype).

Note: In a newer version of Index Fungorum the species name Psoroma obscurius (Nyl.) P.M. Jø used.

Distribution Database: Distributions

Distribution Database: Discover Life

Picture Database: Tropical Lichens

Molecular Database: Genbank

Synonym Database: Index Fungorum

Synonym Database: Mycobank