Rinodina granuligera H. Magn.

Bot. Not. 1947: 35 (1947).



Protologue: Thallus limitatus, tenuis, albescenti-cinereus vel cinerascens, subgranulosus vel laevigatus, KOH+ flavus, hypothallo obscuro interdum cinctus. Apothecia numerosa, dispersa, adnata, subminuta, disco fusco-atro vel atro, plano vel +convexo, margine tenui, albescente, laevigato cincto. Stratum gonidiale granulis impletum. Hypothecium hyalinum, oleoso-inspersum. Thecium subaltum, epithecio granuloso, Pd+ laete ochraceo. Paraphyses apice haud incrassatae. Sporae octonae, subminutae, pariete leviter inaequali, haud constrictae.

Protologue type locality: Florida: Sanford 1909, Rapp, on trees (hb. Mn) s.n. R. sophodes.

Type locality: USA, Florida, Sanford, on trees, s.d., 1909, S. Rapp s.n. (U - holotype).

ITS Barcode: Data lacking.

Coordinates: Data lacking.

Thallus: + large, either very thin and + smooth, or sometimes thicker, subareolate, or uneven and darker. Apothecia 0.5-1 mm wide, some even pale brown (shady situation), generally black, margin in thicker specimens also thicker and slightly undulate. Inner structure in both formae similar. Sections of apothecium 0.4-0.45 thick, very convex, pale part 200-250 µ deep, thicker apothecia KOH+ yellowish. Margin about 70 µ thick, filled with a granular gonidial stratum, continuous below, Pd-, or stratum mainly horizontal with gonidia deficient at centre, in KOH with distinct, 8-12 µ large gonidia among +granules. Exciple indistinct. Hypothecium about 100 µ high, hyaline, filled with oil-drops, more distinct in KOH, hyphae intricate. Thecium 90-100 µ high, I+ dark blue like hypothecium; upper 10-12 µ pale brownish yellow, granular, apices of paraphyses visible in KOH, 1.5-1.7 µ but still granular, in Pd dull orange forming dense crystals. Spores 8 in clavate asci, 75 x 12 µ, numerous, often degenerate, 12-15 x 6-7 µ, greenish brown, wall rather thin, somewhat uniform, in young spores thicker at apices, 1.5-1.7 µ, and at septum with its distinct central lamella, septum often only 1 µ thick. Spores + uniseriate, in KOH to 17 x 8 µ large (Magnusson 1947: 36).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Chemistry: No lichen substances.

Ecology: Data lacking.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Database
