Siphula ceratites (Wahlenb.) Fr.

Lichenographia Europ. Reform.: 406 (1831).

Basionym: Baeomyces ceratites Wahlenb., Flora Lappon.: 459 (1812).


Thallus: forming loose swards or tufts. Lobes erect, terete to subterete, simple or sparingly branched, antler-like, 30 - 50 - 70 mm tall, 0.5 - 1.5 - 2 mm wide; surface smooth, longitudinally striate or plicate, chalky white, ivory to pale beige-grey; apices generally blunt and rounded.

Photobiont: Green alga.

Chemistry: Siphulin, in short-wave UV pale spot with low Rf, becoming yellow; UV+ dull brownish after treatment with acid and heat. Sometimes together with traces of siphulin-like compounds. These compounds are concentrated mainly in the cortex or outer parts of the medulla, hence the spot test reactions are best carried out on the cortex. Cortex and medulla P-, K+ yellow-orange, KC+ fleeting violet, soon yellow-orange, C+ fleeting violet, soon yellow-orange, UV- pale-yellowish

Ecology: On soil.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: North America, Eurasia. Database
