Stereocaulon claviceps Th. Fr.

Stereoc. Pilophor. Comment.: 21 (1857).



Thallus: Pseudopodetia up to 6 cm tall. True phyllocladia absent, phyllocladioid branchlets present. Cephalodia protosacculate. Soralia on sides of branches below apothecial receptacles or terminating pseudopodetia. Apothecia sometimes present, developed on knob-like receptacles (clavulae) on corymbose branches arising from upper part of the pseudopodetia. Spores 100-180 x 3.5-5 µm, multiseptate (Swinscow & Krog 1988: 297).


Chemistry: Stictic acid complex (PD+ orange), + norstictic acid, atranorin (Swinscow & Krog 1988: 297).

Ecology: In east Africa on exposed montane rocks at 3000 to 4100 m, uncommon (Swinscow & Krog 1988: 297).

Distribution: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa, tropical America.
