Preliminary version 1 June 2012

Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale

Bryologist 90: 164 (1987).

Basionym: Lichen chlorophyllus Willd. ex Humb., Fl. Friberg.: 20 (1793).

Synonym: Index Fungorum

Type: Germany, Saxony, Freiberg, in cortice Pyni silvestris beym Vorwerk Hals. Austria, in pinetis alpium Salisburgensium", 1792 Humboldt (syntypes, probably destroyed in B). Denmark, Jylland, Vendsyssel, W of R°abjerg Mile, 1994 Christensen 11056 in Hansen, Lich. Danici exs. no. 34 (C - neotype, Ahti & Thell, Nordic Lichen Flora 4: 140, 2011).


Thallus: rosette-formed to loosely tufted, to 6 cm diameter. Lobes irregularly branched, 1 - 4 mm wide at their bases, ascending at margins and narrowing towards tips, flattish to weakly canaliculate; pseudocyphellae sparse on the lower side as minute white spots, 0.1 mm diameter. Soralia marginal, abundant, sometimes continuous, particularly towards the tips, grey to brownish, sometimes isidioid; cilia absent or rarely observed. Upper surface olivaceous brown or (pale) brown, glossy and rather smooth. Lower surface pale brown to brownish white, wrinkled; rhizines sparse, pale. Apothecia rare, lateral and marginal, sessile, to 3 mm diameter; disc concolorous with the thallus. Spores blobose, 5 / 5 µm. Pycindia scattered, marginal and protruding. Conidia dumbbell-shaped, 5 - 6 / 1.5 µm (Ahti & Thell 2011: 105).

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Cortex C-, K-, KC-, PD-, Medulla C-, K-, KC-, PD-. Protolichesterinic acid. No secondary compounds present in the cortex (Ahti & Thell 2011: 105).

Ecology: Corticolous on both conifers and deciduous trees, also lignicolous, occasionally saxicolous (Ahti & Thell 2011: 105).

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Database
