Usnea geissleriana P. Clerc

Lichenologist 38, 3 (2006).  


"Espagne [Spain], Iles Canaries, Tenerife, Los Silos, Monte del Agua, forêt de Los Silos, chemin forestier reliant Erjos à Las Portelas, à l'est de El Picon, 980 m, sur le tronc d'Erica arborea dans le Fayal-Brezal mèlangè à la Laurisilva en exp. NW, 21 Septembre 1986, Clerc 11548 (G - holotypus, BM, UPS - isotypi). Chemistry: usnic, salazinic (major), norstictic (major), protocetraric (minor) acids (holotypus). %C%M%A: 6.5/23/41 (holotypus)".

Type: Spain, Canary Islands, Tenerife, Los Silos, Monte del Agua, forêt de Los Silos, chemin forestier reliant Erjos à Las Portelas, à l'est de El Picon, 21 Septembre 1986, 980 m, sur le tronc d'Erica arborea dans le Fayal-Brezal mèlangè à la Laurisilva en exp. NW, P. Clerc 11548 (G - holotypus, BM, UPS - isotypi). Chemistry: usnic, salazinic (major), norstictic (major), protocetraric (minor) acids (holotypus). %C%M%A: 6.5/23/41 (holotypus).

Thallus: fruticose, subpendulous to pendulous, 10-15-20-25 cm long, yellowish green; branching anisotomic-dichotomous; trunk conspicuous, pale to brownish, often with a dark reddish pigment; main branches 0.5 - 1-1.3-1.6 mm large, irregular, usually conspicuously segmented, lateral branches not narrowed at point of attachment, apices long, thin, sparsely branched; segments terete and slightly swollen or cylindrical; foveoles often present, transverse furrows sometimes present; pseudocyphellae thin, irregular, on main branches; papillae absent, tubercles absent; fibrils few, irregularly disposed especially on young branches; fibercles absent; soralia numerous, punctiform, smaller than half the diameter of branches but often coalescing and looking like large soralia, arising directly on the cortex, superficial, plane; isidiomorphs frequent on young soralia, very short. Apothecia absent; cortex mat, thin 4-4.9-6-7.1-8.5 irregularly cracked especially on main branches; medulla thick, 15-22.2-26.7-31.2-31.5 dense, unpigmented, axis thin to thick 25.9-34.5-43.1-58 (Clerc 2006: 197).

Photobiont: Data lacking.

Race I: Usnic acid in the cortex, norstictic acid (major), salazinic acid (major), protocetraric acid (minor) (Canary Islands 11, Azores 1) (Clerc 2006: 197).
Race II: Usnic acid in the cortex, stictic acid (major), constictic acid (minor), cryptostictic acid (minor), menegazziaic (minor), norstictic acid (minor) (Canary Islands 3, Azores 1) (Clerc 2006: 199).

Ecology: On bark.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution type: Macaronesian endemic known from the Azores, Tenerife, Gomera and Hierro.
