Xanthoparmelia catarinae Hale

Mycotaxon 34, 2: 543 (1989)



Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Florianopolis-Estreito, Poeschmann-Hajkova in Vezda: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati 761 (US - holotype).

Thallus: loosely adnate, brittle, 5-8 cm broad, yellowish green; lobes sublinear, 0,8-2 mm wide, dichotomously branched, weakly convoluted at the tips, imbricate; upper surface continuous, emaculate, shiny, sparsely to moderately isidiate, the isidia initially subglobose, irregularly cylindrical at maturity, 0.14-0,18 mm in diameter, 0,2- 0,8 mm high, the tips syncorticate, darkening, mostly simple to coralloid branched: medulla white; lower surface plane, black, with a barely raised dark to yellowish rim, shiny, very sparsely rhizinate below the tips, sparsely rhizinate toward the center, the rhizines black, coarse, unbranched, 0,2-0,5 mm long. Pycnidia common; conidia bifusiform, 0,5 X 5-6 µm. Apothecia unknown.

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Stictic acid (major), constictic acid, norstictic acid, cryptostictic aicd (trace), usnic acid.

Ecology: On silicious rock.

Distribution type: Data lacking.

Taxonomy: Data lacking.

