Xanthoparmelia cotopaxiensis Nash, Elix, and Johnston

Mycotaxon 28, 2: 288 (1987).


Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type: Ecuador, Prov. Cotopaxi, Río Saquimula, T. Nash 23847 (ASU - holotype; ANUC, US - isotypes)

Protolog: Data lacking.
Type locality: Data lacking.
Barcode: Data lacking.
Coordinates: Data lacking.


Thallus: tightly adnate, 3-7 cm broad, yellow green but darkening; lobes sublinaerelongate, 0,5-1,0 mm wide, separate to imbricate, developing minute digitate lobulae 0,1-0,2 mm wide at the lobe tips; upper surface dull, shiny at the tips, sorediate, soralia sublaminal to submarginal, orbicular, 0,3-0,8 mm in diameter, coalescing; medulla white; lower surface plane, brown to dark brown, blackening apically, moderately rhizinate, rhizines simple to sparsely branched, brown to black, 0,3-0,5 mm long. Pycnidia and apothecia lacking.

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Salazinic acid, consalazinic acid, norstictic acid ( trace), protocetraric acid ( trace), usnic acid.

Ecology: On rocks and gravel.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Ecuador. Database
