Xanthoparmelia endochrysea (Müll. Arg.) Hale

Mycotaxon 33: 403 (1988).

Basionym: Parmelia adpressa var. endochrysea Müll. Arg., Flora, Regensburg 62: 289 (1879).


Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type: xxx.



DESCRIPTION.-Thallus tightly adnate on rock, 3-6 cm broad, yellowish green; lobes subirregular, 0.7-1.3 mm wide, separate to imbricate; upper surface continuous, emaculate, shiny, moderately isidiate, the isidia subglobose to cylindrical (Figure 14g), 0,07-0.12 mm in diameter, 0.1-0.3 mm high, the tips syncorticate, pale, mostly unbranched; medulla white; lower surface plane, pale brown, moderately rhizinate, the rhizines pale brown, simple, 0.2-0.3 mm long. Pycnidia and apothecia lacking.

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Hypoprotocetraric acid, 4-O-demethylnotatic acid (trace), usnic acid.


Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Database
