Xanthoparmelia ferraroiana Nash, Elix, and Johnston

Mycotaxon 28(2): 289 (1987).



Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type: Argentina, Province Mendoza, 18 km south of Potrerillos, T. Nash 23940 (ASU - holotype; ANUC - isotype)


Thallus: adnate to loosely adnate on rock, to 8 cm broad, yellow green; lobes subirregular, apically subrotund, 1,6-6 mm wide, contiguous to imbricate; upper surface dull, rugose at the center, sorediate, the soralia laminal to submarginal, orbicular and separate but coalescing with age; medulla white; lower surface pale brown to brown, densely rhizinate, the rhizines short, concolorous with the lower surface, simple, 0,3- 0,6 mm long. Apothecia and pycnidia unknown.

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Psoromic acid, 2'-0-demethylpsoromic acid, usnic acid.

Ecology: On rock.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Argentina. Database
