Xanthoparmelia hyporhytida (Hale) Hale

Phytologia 28, 5: 488 (1974).

Basionym: Parmelia hyporhytida Hale, Bot. Notiser 124(3): 349 (1971).


Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type: xxx.


Thallus: loosely attached, firm, 3-8 cm broad, yellowish green; lobes sublinear to linear, 1.5-4 mm wide, dichotomously branched, separate to subimbricate, subascending; upper surface continuous, emaculate to faintly white-maculate, isidia and soredia lacking; medulla white; lower surface plane, black at the tips but usually becoming dark to light brown at the center, the cortex eroding, strongly reticulately rugose, sparsely rhizinate except near lobe tips, the rhizines coarse, black, simple, 0.2-0.5 mm long. Pycnidia common; conidia bifusiform, 6-7 µm. Apothecia rare, substipitate, 6-10 mm in diameter; spores 4-5 x 6-8 µm.

Photobiont: Trebouxia.

Chemistry: Salazinic acid, consalazinic acid, usnic acid, “chalybaeizans” unknown (+/-).

Ecology: On small pebbles or rarely free growing on soil.

Molecular data: Genbank

Distribution: Database
