Collectors of lichens of Morocco
Version 31 December 2017


    Ajaj, A.: - Person from Morocco. Managed to identify 10 lichens from a forest of 22538 hectares in Morocco together with three other persons.

  1. Crespo, Ana: - Spanish lichenologist. A collection from 1981 is mentioned in Hafellner (1996: 142).

  2. Culberson, W. L.: - US lichenologist. A collection from xxx is mentioned in Hodkinson (2010: 3).

  3. Egea, : - Spanish lichenologist. Author of a checklist of lichens of Morocco.

  4. Gallefory: - There is a collection from 1930 of Pseudevernia furfuracea in the Herbarium Hamburg, Germany (HBG).

  5. Jones, M. P. - Samples of the collector are mentioned in Aragón et al. (2004: 164). Material in the British Museum, England (BM).

  6. Werner, R. G.: - Lichenologist from Catalonia. Collection in Barcelona BC.