Collectors of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Guernsey (Channel Islands)
Preliminary version 1 September 2012

  1. Nieschalk, A.: - The soldier of the German occupation force collected 5 species of lichens in 1942. "The specimens had been forwarded to Albert Schumacher (1893 - 1975), and possibly C. F. E. Erichsen (1867 - 1945) for identification, and then accessed into Erichsen's collection two years before his death; Erichsen's collection was initially donated to Museum Altona, before eventually coming to HBG in August 1945." (Seaward 2002). Material housed in Hamburg, Germany (HBG).

  2. Rhodes, P. G. M.: - There are 2 samples of Ramalina "curnowii" = R. cuspidata in HBG.