Collectors of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Berlin (Germany)
Preliminary version 1 May 2010

  1. Ahti, T.: - Finish lichenologist. A collection of Cladonia mitis in ???.

  2. Berger-Landefeldt

  3. Bornkamm: - A collection of Cetraria aculeata from 1976 is mentioned in König & Sipman (1989: 139)

  4. Coppins, Brian J.: - British lichenologist. Collections from 1987 in Berlin, Germany (B) and Edinburgh, United Kingdom (E).

  5. Feuerer, Tassilo: - Few collections from Berlin in the Herbarium Hamburgense, Germany (HBG).

  6. Hertel, Hannes: - German lichenologist. Probably some lichens from Berlin in Munich (M).

  7. König, Peter: - Dr. König collected lichens in connection with the publication König & Sipman (1989). Collections in Berlin, Germany (B).

  8. Leuckert, C.: - Probably some lichens in B.

  9. Mezger,

  10. Müller-Doblies, D.:

  11. Paulick: - Mentioned as collector by Leuckert & Rux (1988: 44)

  12. Poelt, Josef: - Poelt collected in the years 1968, 1970 and 1971 in Berlin.

  13. Rux: - Collector and author of several papers on the lichens of Berlin.

  14. Sipman, Harrie: -

  15. Sukopp, H.
    Address:   Prof. H. Sukopp

  16. Trakat: - Mentioned as collector in Leuckert & Rux (1988: 44). Author of a Diplomarbeit (Trakat 1982).

  17. Wunder, Helmut: - Lived in Berlin during his PhD work. Some few collections in Munich (M).