Publications containing records of lichens of Saudi Arabia

Version 1 December 2017


  1. Abo-Khatwa, A. N., 1989: A contribution to the lichens of Saudi Arabia and the role of lichen acids. - Proc. Wildlife Cons. Dev. Saudi Arabia 3: 201 - 208.
  2. Abo-Khatwa, A. N., A. A. Al-Robai & D. A. Al-Jawhari, 1997: Isolation and identification of usnic acid from Saudi-Arabian lichens. - Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res. 15: 15 - 28.
  3. Abu-Zinada, A. H. & D. L. Hawksworth, 1974: A contribution to the lichens of Saudi Arabia. - Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ. 6: 224 - 233.
  4. Abu-Zinada, A. H., D. L. Hawksworth & H. A. Bokhary, 1986: The lichens of Saudi Arabia, with a key to the species reported. - Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res. Sp. Pub. 2: 1 - 54.

  5. Bokhary, H. A., Parvez, S. & A. H. Abu-Zinada, 1993: Lichens from high altitude areas of Saudi Arabia. - Nova Hedwigia 56: 491 - 496.
  6. Breuß, O., 1998: Catapyrenium und verwandte Gattungen (lichenisierte Ascomyceten, Verrucariaceae) in Asien - ein erster Überblick. - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 100B: 657 - 669.

  7. Calatayud, V., Navarro-Rosinés, P. & J. Hafellner, 2002: A synopsis of Lichenostigma subgen. Lichenogramma (Arthoniales), with a key to the species. - Mycological Research 106: 1230 - 1242.

  8. Frey, W., 1989: The bryophytes of Saudi Arabia and the importance of their conservation (Studies in Arabian Bryophytes 9). - Proc. Wildlife Cons. Dev. Saudi Arabia 3: 209 - 219.
  9. Frödén, P. & I. Kärnefelt, 2007: Two new species of Teloschistes J.M. Norman: T. arabicus and T. inflatus and notes on the Teloschistes flora of Africa. - Bibl. Lichenol. 95: 183-223.

  10. Kürschner, H., 1984: Epiphytic communities of the Asir Mountains (SW Saudi Arabia) Studies in Arabian Bryophytes 2. - Nova Hedwigia 39: 177 - 198.

  11. Henssen, A., 1995: The new lichen family Gloeoheppiaceae and its genera Gloeoheppia, Pseudopeltula and Gudelia (Lichinales). - Lichenologist 27: 261-290.

  12. Mandaville, J. P., 1973: A contribution to the flora of Asir, Southwestern Arabia. - Coconot Grove, Miami: Field Research Publications.
  13. Moberg, R., 1980: Studies on Physciaceae (lichens) 1. A new species of Pyxine. - Norwegian J. Botany 27: 189 - 191.

  14. Obermayer, W., K. Kalb, H. J. M. Sipman and T. H. Nash, 2009: New reports of Culbersonia nubila (Moberg) Essl. from the Tibetan Region, Bolivia, Argentina, Lesotho and South Africa. - Lichenologist 41, 6: 683-687.