Collectors of lichens of Greenland (Denmark)
Version 1 December 2017


  1. Alstrup, Vagn: - Collections from Kronpins Christian Land from late June to the end of July 1995. Collections from 1978 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990: 15) a.o.

  2. Bay, C.: - Collected together with Dr. B. Fredskild fide Hansen (1981: 97). Collection in the Botanical Museum Copenhagen.

  3. Böcher, T. W.: - Mentioned as a collector by Hansen (2004: 83)

  4. Brolin: - Collections from 1968 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990: 17). Accompanied by Ehrenroth.

  5. Corner, R. W. M.: - Collections are mentioned in Hansen (1986). Collections from Johannes V. Jensen Land, 50 specimens, are published by Hansen (2008). Material in Copenhagen (C).

  6. Daniëls, F. J. A.: - Collections from Kronpins Christian Land from late June to the end of July 1995. Collection from the year 1969 mentioned in Daniels & Sipman (1975), and Daniels et al. (1985).

  7. Eberlin, P.: - Mentioned as a collector by Hansen (2004: 83).

  8. Feuerer, Tassilo: - Material in HBG.

  9. Fries, Thore Magnus: - Collected in West Greenland. Published by Lynge (1937)

  10. Fredskild, B., Dr.: Collected Cetraria nigricascens together with Mr. C. Bay during the Danish Knud Rasmussen Memorial Expedition 1979 fide Hansen (1981: 97). Collection in the Botanical Museum Copenhagen.

  11. Gelting, Paul: - Leader of the Arctic Station on Disko from 1946 to 1954. Collections are mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990), Hansen (1986: 185) a.o.

  12. Hansen, Eric Sten: - Many collections from Greenland. Collection in the Botanical Museum Copenhagen.

  13. Hansson, Lisbet: - Collections from 1981 are mentioned in Hansen (1983).

  14. Holmen, K.: - Mentioned as a collector by Hansen (2004: 83)

  15. Jacobsen, Peter: - Collections from 1987 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990: 17). Collections in KIEL.

  16. Lünterbusch, Christoph: - Student of Fred Daniels. Studies on lichens in relation to the vegetation in 2000. Whereabouts of the collections unknown.

  17. Møgaard, P.: - Dr. Mogaard collected Cetraria tilesii during a Geological Survey of Greenland mapping expedition in north-east Greenland in 1978 fide Hansen (1981: 97). Collection in the Botanical Museum Copenhagen.

  18. Poelt, Josef: - Collections from 1982 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990: 16). Accompanied by Ullrich.

  19. Skytte Christiansen, Mogens: - Collections from 1946 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990) a.o.

  20. Søchting, Ulrik: - Collections mentioned in Hansen (2003).

  21. Svane, Svanhildur: - Svane visited South Greenland in the summer of 1982. Hansen (2006) deals with a part of her collections.

  22. Thell, Arne: - Material in Lund (LD).

  23. Ullrich: - Collections from 1982 mentioned in Alstrup & Hawksworth (1990: 16).

  24. Vahl, Jens: - Collections mentioned in Hansen (2003) and Hansen (2004: 83).

  25. Watson, K.: - Mentioned as a collector by Hansen (2004: 83)