Collectors of lichens of Massachusetts (USA)
Version 31 December 2017


  1. Bicknell, Eugene P.: - Probably a botanist. Collected lichens as a favour for R. H. Howe on the island Nantucket, Massachusetts in June 1911. Material in herb. Howe, Riddle and Scriba.

  2. May, P.: - Collected the type of Micarea neostipitata in Massachusetts.

  3. Gibson, Elisabeth Stuart: - Collected over 150 Verruaria specimens at the coast of Cape Ann in Massachusetts under the name "E. G. Mehlin". Material is housed in the Farlow Herbarium.
    Address:   E. S. Gibson, 277 Asbury Street, South Hamilton, MA 01982

  4. Harris, R. C.: - Collections mentioned in Harris (1992: 329) housed in NY.

  5. Kneiper, Elizabeth: - Curator for Nonvascular Plants for the New England Botanical Club at Havard University.

  6. Trumbull, W. H.: - Mentioned as a collector of Xanthoria parietina by Howe (1912: 90). Material in collection Howe.

  7. Tuckerman, E.: - Collected the type of Lichina willeyi Tuckerman. Material in FH.

  8. Willey, Henry: - Collected the type of Coniocybe gracilescens. Material in US.