Staurothele Norman


Nytt Mag. Natur. 7: 28 (1853) [1852].

Note: Nom. cons., see Art. 14.

Synonyms: Index Fungorum

Type species: Staurothele clopima (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr.

Number of species: 27.

Family: Verrucariaceae.

Description: A crustose lichen genus in the Verrucariaceae with xx species.



Selected literature:


  1. Staurothele arctica Lynge
  2. Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lettau
  3. Staurothele bacilligera (Arnold) Arnold
  4. Staurothele caesia (Arnold) Arnold
  5. Staurothele clopimoides (Bagl. & Carestia) J. Steiner
  6. Staurothele discedens (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
  7. Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck.
  8. Staurothele effigurata J. W. Thomson
  9. Staurothele elenkinii Oxner
  10. Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh
  11. Staurothele frustulenta Nyl.
  12. Staurothele fuscoargillacea (Britzelm.) Zschacke
  13. Staurothele guestphalica (Lahm ex Körb.) Arnold
  14. Staurothele hymenogonia (Nyl.) Th. Fr.
  15. Staurothele lecideoides B. de Lesd.
  16. Staurothele meylanii B. de Lesd.
  17. Staurothele monicae (Zahlbr.) Wetmore
  18. Staurothele orbicularis (A. Massal.) Th. Fr.
  19. Staurothele orispruinosa J. W. Thomson
  20. Staurothele polygonia B. de Lesd.
  21. Staurothele rufa (A. Massal.) Zschacke
  22. Staurothele rugosa J. W. Thomson
  23. Staurothele rugulosa (A. Massal.) Arnold
  24. Staurothele rupifraga (A. Massal.) Arnold
  25. Staurothele solvens (Anzi) Zschacke
  26. Staurothele succedens (Rehm ex Arnold) Arnold
  27. Staurothele verruculosa J. W. Thomson