Collectors of lichens of Austria
Version 31 December 2018


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  1. Anders, Josef (*10.1.1863 in Kletschen, Böhmen, Austria, today Czech Republic - 26.4.1936 in Böhmisch-Leipa) Foto: - Besuch der Realschule und Lehrerbildungsanstalt in Leitmeritz. 1885 Lehrer in Ruschowan = Barzdorf, 1887 in Böhmisch-Leipa. Prüfung für die 1., 1894 für die 2. Fachgruppe. 1896 Fachlehrer in Böhmisch-Leipa. 1919 Direktor der Mädchen-Bürgerschule in Böhmisch-Leipa. 1926 im Ruhestand. - Biographische Angaben: Natur und Heimat 7,2: 33 (1936). BDBG 54: 93 (1937). Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 22 (1937). BNUB. - 27 Publikationen. Hauptwerk "Die Strauch- und Laubflechten Mitteleuropas". - Nova 7 Arten, 4 Varietäten, 81 Formen, 30 m. - Honorary taxa: Pertusaria multipuncta var. andersiana Erichsen. - Collection in Prague, Czechia (PR). Duplicates in Graz, Austria (GZU), Munich, Germany (M), PRC, W. - Exsikkatae: Lichenes Exs. Bohemiae borealis 1929 - 1933 (333) (Ly. S:233). Obituary: Mattick 1936. Praes:OP. - Photo in Photosammlung O Kement. Sign. aus einem Brief an Grummann (See Grummann 1974: A 430!).

  2. Antesberger, Barbara Foto: - Lichenologist.

  3. Baloch, Elisabeth Foto: - Lichenologist.

  4. Barreno, Eva: - Spanish lichenologist. - Collections from Tirol.

  5. Bäumler, Johann Andreas: - See Grummann (1974: A 430!)

  6. Baumgartner:

  7. Bentzel-Sternau, Albert Graf von: - See Grummann (1974: A 430!)

  8. Berg, Christian: -

  9. Berger, Franz: - Amateur lichenologist. - Medical doctor.
    Address:   Kopfing, Austria

  10. Beschel, Roland Ernst: - See Grummann 1974: A 430!

  11. Bilovitz, Mag. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Othmar: - Austrian lichenologist. - Current project: Lichen biodiversity in refugia of the Dinarides (sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund FWF). - Research interests: population genetics of Lobaria pulmonaria and lichen biodiversity of Styria and the Balkan peninsula (above all virgin forests). - Collections in the GZU from: Styria, Slovenia, Montenegro, BiH. - Member of BLAM.
    Address:   Mag. Dr. P. O. Bilovitz, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz, Austria
    E-mail: pe.bilovitz[at]

  12. Blaha, Julia Foto: - Biologist. Presently working on a dissertation on the Lecanora rupicola group in Europe. University of Graz

  13. Bresadola, Monsignore Jakob: - See Grummann 1974: A 431!

  14. Breuss, Univ.-Doz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Othmar (*27 October 1955): - Highschool teacher for Biology. - Academic Education: University of Vienna: Biology and Environmental Sciences, Botany, Systematic Botany (Lichenology). - Lichenological teachers: Doz. H.Riedl, Prof. J.Poelt, Prof. R.Türk. - Authority abbreviation after Brummit: Breuss. - Member of BLAM, BLS, ABLS, Österr. Mykol. Ges, Zool.-Bot. Ges. - Research specialties, interests: Pyrenocarpous lichens (Verrucariales), lichens of Central America. - Current projects: Taxonomy of Verrucariaceae, esp. catapyrenioid genera in North America, and Verrucaria species on calcareous rocks in the Alps. - Planned projects: Continuation of studies on Verrucariaceae, lichens of Costa Rica. - Collections 1978-present: c. 25.000 collections from many different countries, esp. Europe, North America, Central America, and Turkey, most collections in LI. - Taxa named by the collector: c. 90 taxa.
    Address:   Prof. O. Breuss, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Botanische Abteilung, Burgring 7, A-1010 Wien, Austria

  15. Brunnauer, Georg: -

  16. Corda, August Carl Josef: - See Grummann 1974: A 431!

  17. Czeika, Gerhard:
    Address.   G. Czeika, Ottakringerstraße 78/11, A-1170 Wien, Austria

  18. Czeika, Helene:

  19. Dalla Torre, Carl (Karl) Wilhelm von: - See Grummann 1974: A 431!

  20. Edler: - Student of H. Mayrhofer. Treatment of Rinodina in New Zealand.

  21. Eggerth jr., Carl (Karl): - See GRUMMANN 1974: A 432!

  22. Emmerer, Barbara: - Magister of Biology. - End of 2002 Emmerer startet a 2-years-project sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) on vegetatively reproducing corticolous crustose lichens in (neo)tropical lowland rain forests. The main goal of her study is the circumscription and species delimitation of lichen taxa within these neglected group of organisms in neotropical rain forest, to clarify them taxonomically and to elucidate their species diversity. Furthermore a scheme of the modes of vegetative reproduction applicable to rain forest lichens will be built up. The project will concentrate on the dominating family Thelotremataceae and will include a monographic treatment of vegetatively reproducing taxa of this family.
    "Material on loan from all parts of the world (Neotropics preferred) is highly welcome" "Please ignore no more sterile/soredious/isidous corticolous crustose lichens on your excursions, but collect it and send it to her for treatment"
    Address:   B. Emmerer, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz
    Tel.: 0316/3808834

  23. Endlicher, Stephan Ladislaus von: - See GRUMMANN 1974: A 432!

  24. Ettingshausen, Constantin, Freiherr von: - See GRUMMANN 1974: A 432!

  25. Feuerer, Tassilo: - German lichenologist. Collections from Salzburg, Tirol and Vorarlberg in the Botanische Staatssammlung München, Germany (M) and the Herbarium Hamburgense, Hamburg, Germany (HBG).

  26. Frühwirth, Sonja, maiden name Ellmauthaler (2.9.1973 in Salzburg) Foto: - Secretary. Study of Botany. Magister. Lichenological teacher H. Wittmann. Index Herbariorum SZB.
    Address:   S. Frühwirth, Institut für Ökologie, Johann-Herbst-Str. 23, 5061 Salzburg
    Tel.: ++43/662/648646
    Fax: ++43/662/648646/75

  27. Galun, Margalit: - See GRUMMANN 1974: A 432!

  28. Ganterer, Ubald: - Collections from the 19th century from Kärnten, Tirol and Wien (?) are mentioned in Türk & Riegler-Hager (2003).

  29. Gärtner, G.: - Participated in the collection of Gypsoplaca macrophylla in Tirol and identified its alga Trebouxia spec. (Poelt & Gärtner 1992).

  30. Grube, Martin: - Austrian lichenologist.
    Address:   Dr. M. Grube, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Holteigasse 6, 8010 Graz, Austria
    Tel.: 0043/316380-5655
    Fax: +43 316 380 9883

  31. Handel-Mazzetti, Heinrich Foto: - Collected all kind of plants in China (Jiangxi a.o.) from 1913 to 1918. The lichens have been determined by A. Zahlbruckner (Zahlbruckner 1930).

  32. Hafellner, Josef: - Lichenologist at the University of Graz. - Scientific career: Mag. rer. nat.: 1975 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (botany / zoology), Dr. phil.: 1978 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (botany / zoology), Univ.-Doz. (habilitation): 1983 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (systematic botany and geobotany), Post-Docs: University of Queensland (1986), Professeur invité: Ecole Normale Supérieure de St. Cloud (1980, 1982). - Main research interests: Lichenological aspects of canopy research: Two research projects financed by the Austrian Science Foundation have been performed in which the lichen synusia on canopy branches are studied. Study sites are at the Surumoni river in southern Venezuela, and in western Panama where STRI has established similar field work facilities. Scientific collaborator in these projects was Harald Komposch. Publication of results achieved in these studies is continuing. - Vegetatively reproducing lichenized fungi in neotropical lowland rainforests (research project financed by the Austrian Science Foundation. Scientific collaborator in this project is Barbara Emmerer.) - Biodiversity of lichens in Austria (a first checklist has been prepared in cooperation with R. Türk, Univ. Salzburg)
    Address:   ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Josef Hafellner, Institut für Botanik, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz, Austria
    Tel: ++43 316 380 5648
    Fax: ++43 316 380 9883
    Phone secretary: ++43 316 380 5646

  33. Hametner, Bakk. rer. nat. Christina (*04.11.1979 in Linz) Foto: - Student of Dr. Elfriede Stocker-Wörgötter and Prof. Roman Türk. - Diploma thesis about endolichenic fungi and mycobionts of the genus Cetraria. - Interests: Isolation and subculturing of fungi and mycobionts of lichen, endolichenic fungi of lichens. - No publication. - Culture collection of Flavocetraria cucullata, Flavocetraria nivalis and Nephromopsis laureri.
    E-mail: TinaHametner[at]

  34. Hedwig, Johann: - See GRUMMANN 1974: A 433!

  35. Hegewald:

  36. Hertel, Hannes: - German lichenologist. Collections from Tirol in Munich, Germany (M).

  37. Höhnel, Ludwig Ritter von (* 6. August 1857 in Preßburg; † 23. März 1942 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Marineoffizier, Afrikaforscher und Geograph (fide Wikipedia).

  38. Kalb, Klaus: - German lichenologist. Collections from Tirol in Munich, Germany (M) and private collection.

  39. Kilias, Harald: - German lichenologist. Collections from Tirol in the Botanische Staatssammlung München (M).

  40. Kotschy, Karl Georg Theodor (* 15. April 1813 in Ustron, Österreichisch-Schlesien - † 11. Juni 1866 in Vienna): - Austrian Botanist. Forschungsreisender und Pflanzensammler. Von seinen Reisen, meist in den Orient, brachte er über 300.000 Pflanzenexemplare mit. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „Kotschy“.

  41. Kranner, Ilse: - Ilse Kranner visited the Field Museum in July 1999. This visit was part of a long-term co-operation with François Lutzoni within her research projects on desiccation tolerance of plants and lichens ("Antioxidants and desiccation tolerance: A new approach to mycobiont-photobiont symbiotic associations"). One of the project goals was to study the role of the antioxidant system in the evolution of lichens.
    The main purposes of Ilse Kranners visit to the lab of François Lutzoni were to perform desiccation experiments with the lichenized mushroom Omphalina hudsoniana and its isolated Coccomyxa photobiont, and with the non-lichenized species Omphalina veluptipes when grown in axenic culture. In addition, they also organized a trip to the subarctic station at Schefferville (Canada) to collect the lichen material required for the experiments.
    In a joint paper, Kranner and Lutzoni (1999) conclude that only such fungal lineages that possess outstanding antioxidant systems are capable of undergoing the transition from the non-lichenized to the lichenized state.
    Research projects
    - APART 428 (Austrian Programme for Advanced Research and Technology), funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
    - P12690-BIO, funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)
    Kranner I. and Lutzoni F. 1999. Evolutionary consequences of transition to a lichen symbiotic state and physiological adaptation to oxidative damage associated with poikilohydry. In Lerner H.R. (ed) Plant Response to Environmental Stress: From Phytohormones to Genome Reorganization, M. Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 591-628.
    Address:   Dr. I. Kranner, Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Graz, Austria

  42. Kupfer-Wesely, Eva: -
    Address:   Mag. Dr. E. Kupfer-Wesely, Krumau 13, 3335 Weyer, Austria

  43. Marbach, Bernhard (25.11.1967 in Austria): - Studies on biology at the University of Salzburg. Collections from Austria (1993-1994) (Niederösterreich) (at Salzburg University), Germany (Bavaria) 1997-1998 (at ANL Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Laufen/Salzach) and South America from 1995 (Brazil about 200 samples (Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay about 100 samples (Montevideo) and Argentina about 400 samples (Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Salta, Patagonia); most of them at Herbarium K.Kalb, duplicates from Buellia sensu lato at various Herbaria). About 1500 numbers of collections.
    Address:   Eschenbachgasse 27, A 5020 Salzburg
    Tel. 0043/662-620678

  44. Marth, Claudia: - German teacher. Collections from Tirol in the Herbarium Hamburgense, Germany (HBG).

  45. Mayer, Wolfgang Foto:

  46. Mayrhofer, Magister Dr. Helmut: - Lichenologist.
    Address:   Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. H. Mayrhofer, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Institute for Plant Sciences, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz, Austria
    Tel: ++43-316-380-5654

  47. Neuwirth, Dr. Mag. Gerhard (*25.11.1949, Ried im Innkreis, Austria): - Studies on Biology, Ecophysiologie and Geobotany. - Research spec.: Foliicolous lichens and Graphidaceae in Central and South America, also studies on lichens in Europe. - Taxa name by the author: Porina pilifera Neuwirth.
    Address:   Dr. Mag. G. Neuwirth, Rabenberg 41, A-4910 Ried im Innkreis, Austria
    Phone: 0043/ 7752 80904

  48. Obermayer, Walter Foto: - Lichenologist.
    Address: Dr. W. Obermayer, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Holteigasse 6, A-8010 Graz, A U S T R I A
    Tel: ++43-316-380-5658
    FAX: ++43-316-380-9883

  49. Petutschnig, Werner: - Collections from Kärnten.

  50. Pfefferkorn-Dellali, V.: - Student of R. Türk.

  51. Poelt, Josef: - German Lichenologist.

  52. Rechinger, K. H.: -

  53. Reiter, Robert: - Author of Türk & Reiter (2000), Reiter & Türk (2001). Material in private collection.
    Address:   R. Reiter, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

  54. Sauberer, A.: - Mapped Vienna see Beschel ( : 9).

  55. Spribille, Toby (26.12.1975 in Brainerd, Minnesota, USA): - Lichenologist from the USA. - Collections from Austria.

  56. Stocker-Wörgötter, Elfriede "Elfie": Foto
    Address:   Univ. Doz. Dr. Elfie Stocker-Wörgötter, Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie, Universität Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstr. 34, A 5020 Salzburg, Österreich
    Tel. 0043-662-8044-5528 or 5594
    Fax: 0043-662-8044-619
    E-mail: or

  57. Strobl, Anna: - Coauthor of Strobl & Türk (1990). It is unclear who collected the material.

  58. Taurer-Zeiner, Claudia: - Collections from Kärnten.

  59. Timpe, E. B.: - Author of Diploma work on Rinodina (Timpe 1990) at the University of Graz.

  60. Türk, Roman: Foto
    Address:   Prof. R. Türk, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
    Tel: 0043/662-804-45588
    Fax: 0043/662-804-45010
    Email: outdated?

  61. Wagner, Susanne: - Amateur lichenologist from Oberösterreich. Collector of the type of Involucropyrenium pusillum Breuss & Türk. Material in LI.

  62. Wawra, .: - Collected on Ascension Island (United Kingdom) during the expedition of Korvette Carolina fide Stizenberger 1890.

  63. Welwitsch: - Physician. Cited by Santesson (1952: 68), Dodge (1953: 359) and Almborn (1989: 531). Material in H-Nyl, BM and LISU.

  64. Wittmann, Helmut (1.7.1958 in Austria) Foto: - Botanist. Study of Botany and Zoology. Lichenological teacher R. Türk and J. Poelt. Biographic literature: Katalog des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums N.F. 5: 47 - 69. Publications. Specialties, interests: Flora of Salzburg (Phanerogams, Lichens), Genus Ornithogalum. All collections, about 55000 specimens, mainly phanerogams and lichens, some mosses and fungi, in the Herbarium of the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum in Linz (LI). Index Herbariorum SZB. Taxa named by the collector: Ornithogalum sorgerae, Ornithogalum spetae.
    Address:   Dr. H. Wittmann, Institut für Ökologie, Johann-Herbst-Str. 23, A-5061 Elsbethen bei Salzburg
    Tel.: ++43/662/648646
    Fax: ++43/662/648646/75

  65. Wornik, Sabine Foto: - Graz.