Collectors of lichens of Fiji
Version 31 December 2017


  1. Degelius, G.: - Collected the type of Pseudocyphellaria crocatoides Galloway in April 1970 on Taveuni. Material in Herb. Degelius.

  2. Gräffe, E.: - Collected for the Hamburg merchand Godeffroy on Ovalau and Viti. Material in the Herbarium Hamburgense, Germany (HBG), e.g. the type of Cyanobaeis paeminosa from Viti.

  3. Lumbsch, H. T.: - Collected the type of Graphis collinsiae in April 2008. Material in SUVA and F.

  4. Smith, A. C.: - Collected the type of Usnea fijiensis Herre in 1947 on Viti Levu. Material in New York, USA (NY).

  5. Wilson, F. R. M.: - "The Reverend Francis R. M. Wilson collected lichens in Fiji and Vanuatu in 1892, and again in 1895 in Vanuatu when he visited his son-in-law T. W. Leggatt (Ralston 2001). The Wilson collection also includes specimens sent to him in Australia by Leggatt from Mallecola [Malekula], Vanuatu." (Archer 2004: 771)