Collectors of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Bolivia
Preliminary version 1 January 2013

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  1. Acebey, Amparo: - Scientist at the herbarium ("Herbario Nacional") in La Paz, Bolivia.
  2. Acebey, C.: - Visited the herbarium Berlin, Germany (B) in 1999.
  3. Acevedo Rodriguez, Pedro: - Research Botanist & Associate Curator. Research Interests: Systematics of Sapindaceae, floristics of the West Indies, especially of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. - 5 samples collected 1991 are housed in the Smithonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, USA (US).
    Address:   P. Acevedo R., Department of Botany, MRC-166, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012
    Tel: 202-633-0963
    Fax: 202-786-2563
  4. Adolpho, "Brother": There is a sample of Cladonia arbuscula subsp. boliviana in the Smithonian Institution (US).
  5. Ance Martin, Rafael: - Bolivian biologist. Published an article on Bolivian lichens. It is unknown whether there are any collections in an official herbarium.
    E-mail: is outdated!
  6. Asplund, E.: THELLUNG 1925 contains a brief description of three of Asplunds's collecting areas in Bolivia. His material from Bolivia and Peru in Upsala is identified only to the genus.

  7. Bach, Kerstin - Biologist in Göttingen. Collected several hundred samples in lowland forests. The material is housed in Berlin, Germany (B).
  8. Bang, Miguel (1853 - 1895): - Editor of an exsiccate "Lich. S. Am.". On the other hand lichens are also included in the exsiccate Pl. Boliv. 14 lichen samples from the Yungas collected 1890 are housed in BM, H-NYL, M, NY, S, UPS, US and WRSL. There is an "Enumeration of the plants collected in Bolivia by Miguel Bang" by RUSBY (1907).
  9. Beer, Volker (22 November 1959): - Diplomchemiker. Dipl.-Ing. für Umweltschutz und Raumordnung. FR. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz. Diplom Chemie: 1983. Promotion 1987. Dipl.-Ing. UWS und RO: 2000. - One sample collected in Ancohuma via the collection A. Gnüchtel in HBG.
  10. Bjerke, Jarle:
  11. Bridel: 1 sample in TUR-V.
  12. Brooke: 2 samples in NY and US.
  13. Buchtien, Otto August (1859 - 1946): 1 sample in A.

  14. Canseco: - Collected Culbersonia nubila in Cochabamba and La Paz in 2002. Material in Berlin, Germany (B).
  15. Cárdenas: - 2 samples collected 1935 are housed in Washington, USA (US).

  16. Doppelbaur, Hans: - A collection from the vicinity of La Paz is mentioned in Søchting & Fröden (2002: 264). The collection is housed in Lund, Sweden (LD). In general Doppelbaurs material is housed in Munich (M).
  17. D'Orbigny: - A sample of Cladia aggregata is housed in Turku (TUR-V).

  18. Elvebakk: - Norwegian lichenologist. Collections mentioned in Galloway (2005: 18).
  19. Ernst, Gisela: - German amateur lichenologist. Some few collections from a touristic journey to Cordillera Real. The collection was donated to the Herbarium Hamburgense, Germany (HBG).

  20. Ferraro, Lidia: - Lichenologist from Argentina.
  21. Feuerer, Tassilo: - German lichenologist. Several hundred samples collected between 1979 and 1985 mainly in the altiplano and the higher parts of the valleys north of La Paz. Original collections are housed in H, HBG and M, duplicates are deposited in CONC and H. Collections together with P. Franken, N. Höhne and H. Preiß. Collections mentioned in Frödén & Lindblom (2003: 450).
  22. Flakus, Adam: - Polish lichenologist. Collections (number?) from 2004, 2005 and 2008 form the basis of 4 publications on Bolivian lichens. Material from Dept. Beni, Cochabamba, La Paz, Pando, and Santa Cruz housed in x, y and z.
  23. Fleischmann: - The botanist is mentioned in Santesson (1952: 154) as the collector of Strigula nemathora "Beni, Reyes, Rurrenabaque on Rio Beni, 1930 Fleischmann (on 190 Fagraea; S). He collected higher plants, not aware of the epiphyllic lichens growing on them. Material in Stockholm, Sweden (S).
  24. Franken, Petra: - German student of geography. Adviser W. Lauer (Bonn). Collected together with T. Feuerer in 1982. Mentioned in Ahti (2000: ).
  25. Fries, Robert Elias (1876 - 1966): Son of Thore Magnus Fries, botanist, Bergius Professor in Stockholm. R. E. Fries travelled and collected in Argentina and Bolivia (1902), participating in the Swedish Chaco-Cordillera expedition in 1901 - 1902. Lichens collected by R. Fries were dealt with by Malme (1924 b, 1926 a). Lichen collections are kept in S and UPS (TIBELL 1999: 84).

  26. García, Emilia: - Lichenologist. - Identified lichens in Macía et al. 2004.

  27. Herzog: - The bulk of his lichen collection is housed in Utrecht. A sample from Comarapa (Cochabamba) collected 1911 is housed in Vienna, Austria (W).
  28. Hestmark, G.: - Norwegian lichenologist. Collected in the years 2000 and 2005. Material in La Paz, Bolivia (LPB) and Oslo, Norway (O).
  29. Höhne: - Mentioned as a collector accompanying T. Feuerer in Feuerer & Sipman (2005: 143).

    King see Sperling.

  30. Krukoff: 2 samples in the British Museum, United Kingdom (BM).

  31. Lewis: Collected together with Sheibley. Several samples in ?.
  32. Liberman, M. (La Paz): - The Bolivian biologist collected some few lichens in the 1980ies.

  33. Macía, M. J.: - The lichens mentioned in Macía et al. (2004) have been identified by P. J. Garcia and are housed in La Paz, Bolivia.

  34. Malme: - It is unclear whether the sample of Buellia modesta mentioned in Malme (1927: 19) was collected by Malme himself. It comes from "Estancia 14 de Mayo inter Rio Apa et Corumbá (s.n.)".
  35. Mandon, G.: - Frensh plant collector. Manager of a gold mine in Tipuani below the village Sorata in the 1850s. Mandon was mainly interested in higher plants. He collected in the vicinity of Sorata, Prov. Larecaja in 1858 and edited the exsiccate Pl. And. Boliv. which contain at least 6 samples of lichens. Material is housed in BM, G, PC, S and TUR-V.
  36. Molau, : - A collection from 1983 from the Departamento Tarija is mentioned in Søchting & Fröden (2002: 264). Housed in Göteborg, Sweden (GB).

  37. Nöske, xxx: - German biologist. Some collections housed in Berlin, Germany (B).
  38. Octavio Ribera, Marco: - Biologist.
    Address: Lic. M. Octavio Ribera, Servicio Nacional de Areas Protegidas (SERNAP), Av. 20 de Octubre No. 2659, La Paz, Bolivia
    Tel: 00591-2-2434420
    Fax: 00591-2-2434540

  39. Overbeck: - Collector of the type of Everniastrum halei. Material in Washington, USA (US) and (DUKE).

  40. Preiß, Helmut: - Teacher in Unterthingau, Bavaria, amateur alpinist. Collected together with T. Feuerer in the Departamento La Paz, Provincia Murillo (Valle Zongo a.o.) in the year 1980. Mentioned in Feuerer (1998: 72) and Feuerer & Sipman (2005: 142).

  41. Reese: - There are two samples of this collector in New York (NY).
  42. Rusby, H. H.: - 4 samples from the Yungas area collected 1885 in NY.

  43. Sheibley collected together with M. Lewis.
  44. Sipman, Harrie: - The lichen material of H. Sipman is housed in Berlin (B).
  45. Stab, Sabine: - Some few lichens, collected by Stab in the lowlands (Departamento Beni) in 1987 are housed in Berlin, Germany (B).
  46. Steinbach, José: - Many samples of higher plants collected in 1926 near Santa Curz treated for epiphylous lichens by SANTESSON 1952. (Index Herbariorum II Collectors: 949). Steinbach collected higher plants and was not aware of the epiphyllic lichens.
  47. Sperling: Collected partly together with King. 2 samples in FH and H.

  48. Tate: A sample of Cladia aggregatain New York (NY).

  49. Ugent: Collections from 1963 are housed in (MIN) fide Frödén & Lindblom (2003: 450). Mentioned in Hale (Hypotrachyna).

  50. Weddell, H. A.: - Botanist and physician from Great Britain. Weddell travelled between 1843 and 1848 in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Treatment of his Bolivian lichens in Nylander (1859). Material from Tarija in the Herbarium Nylander in Helsinki, Finland (H). Collected the type of Ramalina sulcata, a synonym of Ramalina fasciata.
  51. Werdermann, E.: - There is a sample of Cratiria saltensis collected in 1926 by Werdermann in Berlin, Germany (B).
  52. Williams, R. S.: - Several samples from Sorata (Dept. La Paz, Prov. xxx), from Inglis-Inglis and San Jose in the vicinity of Apolo (Depto. La Paz, Prov. Franz Tamayo) and from Tumupasa (Depto. La Paz, Prov. Abel Iturralde) collected 1901 and 1902, housed in Helsinki, Finland (H), and New York, USA (NY).