Collectors of lichens of Peru
Preliminary version 1 May 2014

  1. Asplund: - His material from Bolivia and Perú in Upsala is identified only to the genus.

    Baranca, Dr.: - Collected the type of Pentagenella gracillima (Kremp.) Ertz & Tehler "gesammelt von Dr. Barranca in Peru in der Umgegend von Lima ... Wie es scheint, an Felsen, steril".

  2. Bro: - Material of Cladonia calycantha in the USA (NY).

  3. Bues: - Collected the type of Cetraria peruviana.

  4. Feuerer, Tassilo: - German lichenologist. Samples from the vicinity of Cusco, Iquitos and Macchu Picchu collected in 1900 deposited in Germany (HBG).

  5. Gaudichaud: - There is a sample of Ramalina subpollinaria from Callao deposited in Finland (H).
  6. Gradstein, xxx: - Material in B
  7. Hegewald, E. & P.: - Material deposited in Graz, Austria (GZU)

  8. Hörter, Anneliese: - Collections in the herbarium T. Feuerer in Munich, Germany (M).

  9. Iltis, C.: Mentioned as one of the collectors of the type of Josefpoeltia boliviensis in Kondratyuk & Kärnefelt (1997: 23). Material in MIN.

  10. Iltis, H. H.: Mentioned as one of the collectors of the type of Josefpoeltia boliviensis in Kondratyuk & Kärnefelt (1997: 23). Material in MIN.

  11. Kashiwadani, Hiroyuki: Material collected from september to october 1984 in Peru (Provinces Anta, Azangaro, Chancay, Cuzco, Lampa, Oxapampa, Paucartambo, Puno, Quispicanchis and Urubamba) is housed in the National Science Museum, Tokyo (TNS).

  12. Lentner, A.: - German teacher working some years at a school in Peru. Material deposited in Munich (M). A collection of Josefpoeltia parva is mentioned in Frödén & Lindblom (2003: 450). The type specimen of Psiloparmelia subcrustosa has been collected by A. Lentner (Elix & Nash 1992:390). Material mentioned in Geyer et al. (1984: 51).

  13. Moberg, Roland: - Lichenologist from Sweden. Collected in Peru 1981 together with R. Moberg. Material in UPS.

  14. Ramírez Ordaya, Angel Manuel (18 February 1976 in Lima, Peru) Foto: Peruvian student, interested in lichens. Thesist of the Museum of Natural History UNMSM. Educación pregrado : Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos UNMSM. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Titel of thesis: Contribución de la Flora Liquénica del distrito de Pueblo Libre, Ancash, Perú (Contribution to the lichen flowa of the district of Pueblo Libre, Ancash, Peru). Adviser: Asunción Cano Echevarría . Interests: Checklist of Peru. Bioindication of enviromental contaminations with lichens. Planned projects: Inventory of the lichens of the Huascaran Park National. Lichenometry at the glacies of the Park. Collections from the regions Lima, Ancash, La Libertad, Ayacucho, and Arequipa in the Museum of Natural History USM
    Address:   A. M. Ramírez O., Museo Historia Natural USM, Av. Arenales 1256 - Jesüs María, Lima, Perü
    Telefono del museo 4710117 anexo 25
    Teléfono: 5235070

  15. Santesson, Rolf: - Swedish lichenologist. Collected in Peru in 1981 together with R. Moberg. Journey in together with Tehler and Thor. Material in UPS.

  16. Sobiech, Katarzyna: - PhD student at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. - Collections from Canyon Colca.
    Address:   K. Sobiech, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

  17. Stafford: - Collections from 1937 mentioned in Kondratyuk & Kärnefelt (1997: 23). Housed in F.

  18. Standaert: - Mentioned as a collector in Gyelnik.

  19. Tehler: - Collected together with Santesson.

  20. Thell, Arne: - Collected in September 2003 together with T. Feuerer. Material in Lund (LU.

  21. Thor: - Collected together with Santesson.

  22. Topham, P. B.: - Collected Usnea wirthii in Macchu Picchu in 1990. Material in E.

  23. Ugent, V.: - Mentioned as one of the collectors of the type of Josefpoeltia boliviensis in Kondratyuk & Kärnefelt (1997: 23). Material in MIN.

  24. Vargas: Material in US.

  25. Vitt, D.: - Collections from Peru.

  26. Wasshausen: - Collection mentioned in Nash et al. (1987: 292).

  27. Wawra: - Type collection of Ramalina turgida in Munich (M).

  28. Weber: - Weber & Kohn are mentioned as collector in Esslinger (1986: 297).

  29. Weberbauer: - Material partly in FH-Dodge, WRSL