Collectors of lichens of Uruguay
Version 31 December 2017


  1. Alonso, E.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2001: 5)

  2. Amato: - Mentioned in Egan et al. (2005: 405). Duplicates in OMA.

  3. Archevaleta y Balpardo, Prof. José: - Uruguayan naturalist. Collections identified by Müller Argau (1888).

  4. Brum, N.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2001: 6)

  5. Camacho, O.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2002: 3)

  6. Del Puerto: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2002: 3)

  7. De Zolessi, L. C.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2001: 6)

  8. Femenias: - Mentioned in Egan et al. (2005: 405). Duplicates in OMA.

  9. Geymonat, G.: - Biologist. Employed in the Casa Ambiental de Castillos, Rocha, Uruguay. Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2001: 2), Kurokawa & Osorio (2002: 2) and Osorio (2002).

  10. Gilbert, José Ernesto: - Mentioned as a collector in Herre (1960: 192).

  11. Herter, W. G.:

  12. Izaguirre: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2002: 3)

  13. Malme, G.: - Malme visited the Isla de Flores during the two quarantines of the Regnell Expeditions I and II (Malme, 1897: 7 and 1904: 107) fide Osorio (2001: 2).

  14. Marbach: Collected 1995 in Uruguay. Material in Montevidense.

  15. Marchesi: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2002: 3)

  16. Mones, A.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2002: 3)

  17. Osorio, Héctor S.: - Lichenologist in Uruguay. Collected and published most of the lichens of Uruguay. Duplicates in Upsala (UPS).
    Address:   Dr. H. S. Osorio, Instituto Felix de Azara, Casilla de Correo 168, 11.000 Montevideo, URUGUAY

  18. Paderi: - Mentioned in Egan et al. (2005: 405). Duplicates in OMA.

  19. Praderi: - Mentioned in Egan et al. (2005: 405). Duplicates in OMA.

  20. Prigioni: - Mentioned in Egan et al. (2005: 405). Duplicates in OMA.

  21. Scarabino, F.: - Mentioned as collector in Osorio (2001: 2) and Egan et al. (2005: 405). Material in OMA.

  22. Schindler, Herbert (1907 - 1998): - German lichenologist. Material in Karlsruhe (Frahm 200x: xx)

  23. Steer "Dr.": - There is a sample of Parmotrema cetratum in the Herbarium Hamburgense (HBG) collected 1923 and annotated by Erichsen with "auf der gestrandeten Rugia", ["on the stranded Rugia"].